How are you and Rose similar, and how are you different?
I think Rose and I are alike in that we both like to think things through and make a decision, rather than putting it off. I suspect Rose is braver than me, and she is definitely better at sport than me. We both love reading, though.
If Rose were around today, what would she do on Saturday mornings?
She’d be playing cricket in the summer! In the winter, I think she would be eating a large breakfast and looking forward to going to the footy.
When you sat down to start the OAG books, what was the first sentence you wrote?
I can’t remember! It’s lost in the drafting somewhere, but I am pretty sure it was Rose wondering what she would get for her birthday.
Sherryl, what’s one thing you wish you could do really well but have always been too timid to try?
I wish I could play a musical instrument, maybe the piano. I know Rose hates her piano lessons but that’s because the teacher is horrible.
Do you have one piece of advice for OAGs everywhere?
Be brave, stand up for what you know is right, follow your dreams.