You: Now, do I know everything about my rights?
O’Reilly: No.
You: When will I?
O’Reilly: Never.
You: (sigh)
O’Reilly: Look, what’s true today will not be true tomorrow. The players keep changing. Ideas keep changing. Who knows what new toy your kids will have someday that will drive their teachers nuts? The rules have to change with the times.
You: Like, I mean, chaos.
O’Reilly: No, no, not chaos. The good ship Constitution stays afloat, no matter what. You have to believe that.
You: Well, I think now I do.
O’Reilly: Okay, but it doesn’t steer itself. You and all of your kid friends have to keep it on course. It adjusts to the weather, the heaving seas, but smart people have to take turns at the helm.
You: Are you running for office?
O’Reilly: (laughs) No, but I want you kids to run for office someday, and support candidates, and stay involved in this rights business for the rest of your lives. You have to join the line that goes back to Ben and Tom.
You: I’ll think about it.
O’Reilly: You do that.
(You and I shake hands firmly.)