You’ve completed a book that should help you become a better American. And the country needs you. That’s right…the country needs you.
During my trip to Iraq in December 2006, I met hundreds of American military people ages eighteen to twenty-five. They are young adults, as you will be in a very short time. They are sacrificing greatly, trying to bring freedom and “rights” to oppressed people.
I really respect those young Americans.
Like millions of other Americans before them, our military people are willing to die so that strangers can have the right to freedom. How noble is that? And how powerful is the right to freedom?
So, when thinking about your rights as a kid, please think about our military people. They are the direct successors of Ben, Tom, and all the rest who have kept focused on the “rights” thing throughout the history that gave you the life you have now. These young people in uniform today should make you proud. And so should your unique country, which stands for freedom throughout the world.
Thanks for reading this book, kid.
I wish you a great life.