
Preface: Death’s Shadow

1 No Mercy, No Remorse
    Jamie Reynolds

2 Should Life Mean Life?

3 ‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’
    Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale

4 ‘I killed to see how I would feel’
    Joanna Dennehy

5 ‘I am bored and it was something to do’
    Gary Vintner, Ian McLoughlin and Lee Newell

6 ‘Imprisonment is nothing’
    Jeremy Bamber and Peter Moore

7 ‘Selfish, self-pitying and grotesquely violent’
    David Oakes and Daniel Restivo

8 ‘Only for the most heinous of crimes’
    Michael Roberts and David Simmons

9 ‘He kills coppers’
    David Bieber

10 The One-Eyed Gangster
      Dale Cregan

11 What ‘Life Means Life’ Feels Like
      Robert Maudsley, Sidney Cooke and Charles Bronson

12 Not ‘Seeking Release’
      Victor Miller, Mark Bridger and Rosemary West

13 A ‘Cushy’ Life
      Arthur Hutchinson and Ian Huntley

14 Who ‘Deserves’ Life?
      Mark Hobson and Roy Whiting

15 Charming Psychopaths
      Peter Tobin and Levi Bellfield

16 Killing for Profit and Pleasure
      John Childs, Paul Glen, Kenneth Regan and William Horncy

17 Partners in Crime but Not in Sentence
      John Duffy, David Mulcahy and Steve Wright

18 Lifers Who Kill Again
    Glyn Dix, Anthony Rice and David Tiley

19 They Deserve Nothing Less – Or Do They?
      Rahan Arshad and Mark Martin



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