Generated Docker Compose files

By default, JHipster will generate Docker Compose files that enable us to run the application completely in the containerized environment, irrespective of the options chosen. For example, in the gateway application that we have generated, the following files are generated by default under src/main/docker:

In addition to this, JHipster also creates a Dockerfile, which helps you to containerize the application alone.

Then we can see a folder called central-server-config. This will be used as a central configuration server for the JHipster Registry. 

When the registry and the application are running in Docker, it uses application.yml from the docker-config folder as the central configuration server.

On the other hand, when running only the registry in Docker mode, the application, not in Docker, will use application.yml from the localhost-config folder. The key difference is that the URL defining the Eureka client varies.

Let's see the Docker files that have been generated.