Before we dive into continuous integration tools, let's first make sure that our tests are working and still pass after the changes we made in the previous chapter. In an ideal world, where software development is done using practices such as TDD (Test-driven development), writing and fixing tests is done along with the development of the code, and specs are written before you develop the actual code. You should try to follow this practice so that you write failing tests first for an expected result, and then develop code that will make the tests pass. Since our tests were autogenerated by JHipster we can at least make sure that they are working when we make changes to the generated code.
Let's run our unit and integration tests to see if any of them fail:
- Head over to your terminal and navigate to the online-store folder first.
- Let's first run the server-side tests using Gradle:
> ./gradlew test
Some of our tests failed with the following error trace: > getProductOrder FAILED
java.lang.AssertionError at > getAllProductOrders FAILED
java.lang.AssertionError at > getNonExistingProductOrder FAILED
java.lang.AssertionError at > getAllShipments FAILED
java.lang.AssertionError at > getShipment FAILED
java.lang.AssertionError at > getNonExistingShipment FAILED
java.lang.AssertionError at > getInvoice FAILED
java.lang.AssertionError at > getNonExistingInvoice FAILED
java.lang.AssertionError at > getAllInvoices FAILED
java.lang.AssertionError at > getNonExistingOrderItem FAILED
java.lang.AssertionError at > getAllOrderItems FAILED
java.lang.AssertionError at > getOrderItem FAILED
java.lang.AssertionError at
2018-02-11 13:55:55.693 INFO 27458 --- [ Thread-10] : Closing Cache Manager
217 tests completed, 12 failed
- These are expected to fail as we changed the Resource classes for these entities in the previous chapter to handle authorizations, and the failure means that it's working perfectly. Fortunately, it's not difficult to fix the tests using Spring. We can use the @WithMockUser annotation provided by the Spring test context to provide a mock user for our tests. Add the annotation with user details as highlighted in the following code to all the failing test classes:
@SpringBootTest(classes = StoreApp.class)
@WithMockUser(username="admin", authorities={"ROLE_ADMIN"}, password = "admin")
public class InvoiceResourceIntTest {
- We are providing a mock user with the ADMIN role here. Add the same to OrderItemResourceIntTest, ProductOrderResourceIntTest, and ShipmentResourceIntTest. Run the tests again and they should pass.
- Commit the changes made by running git commit -am "fix server side tests with mockUser".
- Now let's make sure our client-side Karma unit tests are working. Since we didn't make any logic changes on the client-side there shouldn't be any failures. Run the following command:
> yarn test
- All tests should pass. Let's head over to src/test/javascript/spec/app/entities/product/product.component.spec.ts. We use the Jasmine Framework for our tests. The existing test has the following structure. The beforeEach block sets up the Angular TestBed:
describe('Component Tests', () => {
describe('Product Management Component', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
.overrideTemplate(ProductComponent, '')
it('Should call load all on init', () => {
- Now let's make sure our protractor e2e tests are working. Run the following commands in two separate terminals. Start the server first. Let's clear the database as well by a running clean task so that tests run on a fresh setup. Since we are running a clean task we also need to run the webpackBuildDev task to rebuild the client side:
> ./gradlew clean webpackBuildDev bootRun
- Now run the e2e tests:
> yarn e2e
- All tests should pass here as well. But if you look at the generated e2e tests, for example, look at src/test/javascript/e2e/entities/customer.spec.ts, you will see that a test is commented out. Some tests are commented out during generation if an entity has a required relationship field, as we would have to create a relationship first and set its value for the test to work. Let's focus on only the Customer page test. Uncomment the test named should create and save Customers and change the describe function to fdescribe on the test file, so that only this test file is executed:
fdescribe('Customer e2e test', () => {
- Now execute yarn e2e and we should see one failing test. First, let's fix the email field by providing a valid email format:
it('should create and save Customers', () => {
- Run yarn e2e again and this time it should pass. But since we have a one-to-one relationship between user and customer the test will fail if we run it again, hence we need to delete the row created after it. Let's add a test case for a delete action. In the CustomerComponentsPage class defined in the file (if you are using JHipster 5, this class will be available under src/test/javascript/e2e/page-objects/customer-page-object.ts), add a new property and methods as follows:
table = element.all(by.css('.table-responsive tbody tr'));
getTable() {
return this.table;
deleteFirstItem() {
- Now add expect(customerComponentsPage.getTable().isPresent()).toBeTruthy(); as the last line in our previous test to confirm if the row was created. Then add the following test to delete the row:
it('should create and save Customers', () => {
it('should delete Customers', () => {
const deleteBtn = element.all(by.css('.modal-footer
- Run yarn e2e again to verify. Do not forget to remove the fdescribe from the file so that all tests get executed. Congratulations! You added you first protractor e2e tests.
- Similarly, fix the commented out e2e tests in other files under src/test/javascript/e2e/entities as well. This is part of the next steps assignment.