An introduction to Spring profiles

Before we prepare our application for production, let's talk a little bit about Spring profiles. 

Spring profiles ( let you change the way your application behaves based on environments. This is achieved using the @Profile annotations and profile-specific configuration files, which can be activated by specifying the property. Based on the profile that we set here, Spring will choose the appropriate files and will include/exclude components that are included/excluded for the specific profile using the @Profile annotation in the Java source code. For example, if we set, all the Spring components that have @Profile("prod") will be instantiated and any component that has @Profile("!prod") will be excluded. Similarly, Spring will load and use the application-prod.yml or file if it is available on the classpath.

JHipster configures a dev and prod profile by default and includes an application-dev.yml and application-prod.yml in the src/main/resources/config folder, along with the base application.yml file. JHipster goes a step further and provides a dev and prod profile for the Gradle build as well (Available for Maven as well) so that we can build/run the application for a particular profile, which is very handy. Here are the profile and database configurations defined in the application-dev.yml file:


active: dev
include: swagger
type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
url: jdbc:h2:file:./build/h2db/db/store;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1
username: store

The following profiles are available in a JHipster application:


Tuned for development and productivity, it enables Spring dev tools, in-memory databases, and so on


Tuned for production, it focuses on performance and stability


Enables Swagger documentation for the API


Disables Liquibase, and is useful in production environments where you don't want Liquibase to run