Ablutions washing oneself
Beachy Bill a Turkish gun that regularly shelled the beach at Anzac Cove
Bully beef corned beef (tinned), staple ration in the Australian armed forces
Battalion a military unit consisting of several companies
Bivouac a temporary encampment in an unsheltered area
Bivouacked to camp in a bivouac
Brigade a group of several battalions. Also known as a regiment
Cobber mate or friend
Company a military unit of between 80 to 225 soldiers, commanded by a Captain, Major or Commandant. A company consists of several platoons.
Drongo slang for someone stupid
Fatigue manual or menial task
Greybacks lice
Kero colloquial term for kerosene, a petroleum product, also known as paraffin
Jacko a collective term for Turkish soldiers, also Johnnie, Johnno, Johnny Turk and Abdul
Offensive a military attack to gain territory or achieve a strategic goal
Last Post a bugle or trumpet call, used in war to signal the end of the day. It is played as a memorial to those who have been killed in war.
Maneoevres tactical, strategic actions aimed to improve a situation
Pannikin small metal pan or cup
Pickey-boy young boys (from age 11) employed for mining surface work, sorting the ore into rich ore, low grade, and waste
Provosts military police
Platoon a military unit composed of two to four sections consisting of 26 to 50 soldiers. A platoon is led by a commissioned officer, usually a lieutenant, assisted by a platoon sergeant.
Regiment see brigade
Section a small military unit of 7 to 12 soldiers
Sniper a trained shooter who works alone and concealed, so that the he or she cannot be detected
Tommy term for British soldier(s)