Discussion Questions
1. As in many clubs and organizations, the members first come together as friends. The Bloomfield Garden Club holds contests, one of which is to be the winner of The Spring Fling Early Bloomer, which awards a trophy for the best early garden, putting the members in competition with each other. In times like these, our best friends can become our worst competition. Has this ever happened to you? How did you feel about it?
2. For The Spring Fling contest, when Kathy found out that Becky won, the first thing that came out her mouth was an accusation that her friend was cheating. When a friend gets something you have been striving for, and you get left behind, how do you deal with it?
3. For a long time Amber feared that the Gnapper had taken the trophy as a form of retribution, even though she didn’t know what she could have done to hurt someone. Has anyone ever had something against you when you didn’t know what you’d done? Or, perhaps someone had a reason, good or bad, right or wrong, to hold a grudge against you. What did you do to try to make it better?
4. Before Gnorman disappeared from the fountain at the Lake Bliss Retirement Village, Stan had been planning a midnight stakeout, and he had been looking forward to some quiet time alone with Amber. When Gnorman disappeared, his excursion was cancelled, leaving him disappointed. Have you ever had plans you’ve been anticipating fall through? How did that make you feel? Did you become angry, or did you try to make the best of it? How would God have us deal with disappointment?
5. As Amber went into the theater to get the new note from Gnorman, she remembered a time from her youth that she and Stan had become distracted from the group and counted the lights under the old theater’s awning. Have you ever lost interest when you were out with a group? What are some ways to maintain your focus when you become distracted?
6. Amber also recalled a time when she and Stan had made a raft, then the raft fell apart and they had to swim to shore, except Stan’s sneakers became waterlogged, and he had difficulty getting them off in the water. Have you ever had a time when a friend was at risk or in danger? What did you do?
7. When Stan thought his friend Hayden wanted to start dating Amber, he couldn’t help but feel jealous. Have you ever felt jealous? How did you handle it?
8. When they found Gnorman dressed as a clown, neither Amber nor Stan were amused by clowns in general, but Libby thought that in the right venue, which wasn’t her garden, clowns could be very funny. What do you find funny? What do you think are good forms of Christian entertainment?
9. As time goes on, and Amber and Stan come no closer to finding the elusive trophy, Amber becomes more worried about her financial stability. While God is always there for us, often we have difficult times in our lives. What do you tell non-believers, when they see you, as a Christian, suffering, and they ask you where God is, in all your trouble?
10. Out of nowhere Amber got two good contracts to earn some money with her plant-pot flamingos. Have you ever been surprised with some extra income? Did you remember to thank God for it? What did you do with it?
11. Stan had intended to make a game of going out in public with their disguises on, but he didn’t forsee how taking Amber out on a date would change his feelings about her. Has this kind of thing every happened to you, when you do something different with someone you thought you knew, you come out with a different perspective on that person?
12. When Amber and Stan witness Edna and Bill having a secret rendezvous at the restaurant, they are shocked; but it seems to be a weekly outing. Do you have a date night or anything similar with your spouse or significant other?
13. When Stan barges in at Andy’s house, he is very angry with Amber for not wanting him to be there. Have you ever had a friend do something that left you angry, or hurt, even though he or she had the best of intentions? What did you do to make it right?
14. When Kathy hears about the hidden camera, she dresses up for the camera and acts different in front of it, knowing she’s being watched. When you know you’re being watched, even if it’s not by a camera, do you act different? Do you remember a time that you knew you were being watched? How did you feel?
15. Stan became angry when he found out that Kathy had told her friends in the garden club about the hidden camera. Have you once trusted someone to keep something confidential, and they didn’t? How did you feel? How did you handle it? How do you feel about it now?
16. When Stan and Amber found Gnorman dressed like a ghost, he immediately remembered the latest poem, which had stated “a ghost of a chance.” Stan was the only one who thought this was funny. Has this ever happened to you? Did you feel embarrassed or try to explain to everyone else why it was so funny? When in a crowd, when you have a different perspective or a comment that differs from everyone else’s opinion, do you state your difference or remain silent? Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
17. Stan and Amber’s first date completely changed Stan’s perspective on their relationship, and what he wanted in the future from that relationship. Have you ever had one of those moments where suddenly everything changed? What did you do about it?
18. Even though the Pink Geranium Tea Room was too girly for him, Stan risked his masculine pride and took Amber. Have you ever done something for someone that was something you otherwise would never have done? What did you do? Did you accomplish your goal by doing so?
19. When Amber read Gnorman’s last note that intimated there would be a wedding—her wedding—she panicked. Have you ever found out something that completely threw you for a loop? What did you do?