
Ah, editors. What to say about editors?

When I am otherwise occupied in my life, I don’t much miss editors, except for the very few great ones who aren’t insulated morons or breathtakingly negligent and careless, who aren’t shameless lying bastards, who aren’t visionless mandarins of the status quo, air-headed cheerleaders for fatuous trends, or tyrants of self-aggrandizing little fiefdoms. The truly good ones, though, are like second, better selves—precious and indispensable, a writer’s grace and blessing. To these guardian angels, I offer my endless gratitude.

Mark Bryant, Elizabeth Hightower, Colin Harrison.

Kathy Rich, Dan Coyle, Lisa Chase, Catherine Parnell, Josh McCall, Ryan Krogh, Abe Streep, Jonah Ogles, Will Blythe, Katie Raissian, Gail Hochman, Jeff Hilliard, Lee Jackson, Kevin Fedarko.

And, as always, my first, best reader, Barbara Petersen.