The Spirits
‘Chamen, Spirit of Stone
Agent “Mason,” chosen realm, Rortherrod
Ghibli, Spirit of the Wind
Agent “Hunter,” chooses no country
Lautan, Spirit of the Sea, “the Munificent”
Agent “Sailor” (first unnamed, then Mikil), chosen realm, Lortherrod
Mìngyùn, Spirit of Fate
Agent “Spinner” (Destra)
Nargis, Spirit of Fresh Water
Agent “Water Bearer” (first Tiklok, then Nana), chosen realm, Weirandale
Pozhar, Spirit of Fire
Agent “Smithy,” chosen realm, Oromondo
Restaurà, Spirit of Sleep and Health
Agent “Healer” (Myrnah), chosen realm, Wyeland
Saulė, Spirit of the Sun
Agent “Peddler,” (Gunnit is agent-in-waiting), chosen realm, Alpetar
Vertia, Spirit of Growth
Agent “Gardener,” chosen realm, the Green Isles
Maritima—includes city of Queen’s Harbor
Riverine—includes Cascada
Androvale—contains Gulltown (port city) and Wyndton (country village)
Bailiwick—Barston (major city)
Queen Catreena the Strategist (deceased)
Consort: King Nithanil of Lortherrod (abdicated)
Queen Cressa the Enchanter (deceased)
Consort: Ambrice, Lord of the Ships (deceased)
Cerúlia, the princella
Lord Regent Matwyck
Lady Tirinella, his wife (deceased)
Lordling Marcot, his son
Eyevie, his (lost) favorite sister
Duchette Lolethia, later Matwyck’s betrothed
Heathclaw, his secretary
Gourdo, seamaster currently in port
Gunnit, a goatherd, sent to Cascada
Hiccuth, a stableman
Lemle, Wren’s friend from Wyndton, now in Cascada
Murgn, nephew of Yurgn; leader of Matwyck’s Marauders
Nana, a nursemaid, now Water Bearer
Ryton, Cerúlia’s former tutor
Vilkit, chamberlain, appointed by Matwyck
Whitsury, a Brother of Sorrow
Duke Burgn, second son of General Yurgn
Lady Fanyah, formerly Cressa’s lady-in-waiting
Duchess Latlie
Lordling Marcot, the regent’s son
Prigent, also treasurer of the realm
General Yurgn, also general of the Armed Forces
Lady Dinista, former lady-in-waiting to Queen Cressa, now married to younger Lord Retzel
Duke Favian of Maritima
Duchess Gahoa
Duke Inrick of Crenovale
Duchess Pattengale
Sergeant Yanath
Duke Naven
Duchess Naven
Five unnamed daughters
Captain Walmunt, head of the duchy guard
Stahlia, a weaver
Percia, her daughter
Nettie, friend of Percia
Dewva, friend of Percia
Tilim, her son
Ackerty, a landowner
Carneigh, a blacksmith
Goody Gintie, the midwife
Goddard, a healer
Hecht, peacekeeper who replaced Wilim
Rooks, retired/injured sergeant
Lemle, Rooks’s nephew, Wren’s friend
Nellsapeta, a Sister of Sorrow
Fígat—contains Latham and the Scoláiríum
Jígat—contains Jutterdam
Vígat—contains Sutterdam
Wígat—contains Yosta
Hartling, a potter and owner of a once-thriving pottery business
Jerinda, his wife and business manger (deceased)
Hake, their eldest son
Thalen, their middle son
Harthen, their youngest son (deceased)
Norling, Hartling’s older sister
Ikas, a wheelwright, squad leader of the Defiance
Sansam, a member of Ikas’s squad
Pallia, a candlemaker
Bellishia, a leader of the Defiance from Yosta
Dwinny, a healer
Hulia, a fisherwoman
Nothafel, a boatman
Rellia, the overall leader of the Defiance
Rector Meakey
Andreata, tutor of Ancient Languages
Granilton, tutor of History (deceased)
Graville, his son (deceased)
Commander Thalen
Cerf, a healer
Dalogun, seventeen-summers-old archer
Eli-anna, an archer from Melladrin
Eldie, her sister who stayed in Melladrin
Fedak, cavalry
Hake, quartermaster, Thalen’s older brother
Jothile, cavalry
Kambey, weapons master
Kran, swordsman
Quinith, quartermaster, originally a reader at the Scoláiríum
Tristo, Thalen’s adjutant, formerly a street orphan from Yosta
Wareth, cavalry scout
Lumrith, fifth-flamer
Murnaut, head of the Occupying Force
King Nithanil, abdicated
Ilkula, his mistress
King Rikil, the current king
Unnamed wife and two sons
Prince Mikil, the king’s younger brother
Arlettie, Mikil’s wife
Gilboy, Mikil’s adopted son
Gardener, Agent to Vertia
Shetdrake, an officer of the Green Isles Bank who travels to Pilagos
Zillie, innkeeper of the Blue Parrot
Magistrar Destra, head of the government, originally from the Free States
Bajets, seamaster of Island Dreamer
Hake, Thalen’s brother, quartermaster to the Raiders
Mikil, prince of Lortherrod
Arlettie, Queen Cressa’s former maid, now Mikil’s wife
Gilboy, adopted son of Mikil and Arlettie
Olet, owner of Olet’s Olive Oil and Spicery
Quinith, former student at the Scoláiríum, quartermaster to the Raiders
Smithy, Agent to Pozhar
Sumroth, rises from commander to general
Zea, his wife, works for the Library of Reverence
Peddler, Agent of Saulė
Culpepper, a hostler in Tar’s Basin
Gunnit, a ten-summers-old shepherd
Linnsie, his mother
Saggeta, Gunnit’s neighbor and friend
Aleen, eight summers old
Addigale, a toddler
Alloon, four summers old
Limpett, four summers old
Betlyna, an assistant healer
Ciellō, a mercenary from Zellia
Myrnah, a healer, Agent to Restaurà
Hunter, Agent of Ghibli
Tockymora, landlady of the Bread and Balm Recovery House
Damyroth, one-legged amputee
Hope, a melancholic
Jitneye, heart patient
Lymbock, hepatitis sufferer
Sezirō, wounded patient from Zellia