Thanks for spending your time in Methilien.
I hope you’re enjoying the journey. If you are, I’d love to hear from you. Maybe we could sit around the campfire, sipping boh-cho and swapping theories about what comes next, or you can come take a peek at some of my character drawings and sketches. Whatever your interest, you can find me on
Google Plus,
Facebook, or on my
But if I don’t see you there, I hope you’ll at least come back for the exciting series conclusion in Book Three:
The Dragon at the End of the World. If you want to be sure to get an alert when it comes out, you can join my mailing list by
clicking here. I’ll even send you some free short stories to tide you over while you wait.
I won’t ask you to go off and leave a review of this book, but if you’re the kind of reader who enjoys doing so, the least I can do is offer you some quick links for the usual places:
GoodReads and
Amazon. Thank you for taking that extra minute or two. It really does help.
And that’s it from me. I’m honored that you chose to spend your limited leisure time with me, and I hope to see you in another book soon.