
Thank you to the following people:

My sister Maureen Bruce, who attended all of those early Parents Education Network (PEN) events and presented me with a mock-up book prototype in 2005, my name on the cover as the author. Its inspiration became a burden of guilt as the years ticked by with no published title. Finally, I can say thank you.

My sister, Kathleen Sweazey, who generously supported me with her time, ideas, and donations from that first meeting in 2002.

Todd Rose, a friend and mentor, and most of all a teacher who has shared most generously his time and thinking to help me create a viable tool for parents. Without him, this book would not exist.

James Hider, a journalist who enthusiastically took what I had written and made it into a marketable draft while also serving as chief encourager and cheerleader.

Megan Malone, for her original writing.

Robin Schader, a colleague who introduced me to Prufrock Press and my editor, Stephanie McCauley.

All of the wonderful people I have met through PEN, starting with Rosalie Whitlock, our original advisor, nonstop cheerleader, and now preserver of EdRev through Children’s Health Council. PEN Board members and PEN advisors, you know who you are, who generously gave your time, advice, experience, and credibility to our original parent group as we searched for ways to support PEN members. PEN’s student group SAFE, whose members spoke respectfully and eloquently about their educational experiences. The parents and kids who agreed to be in case studies.

Natalie O’Byrne, my mentor who has brought me along over 25 years from a fixed to a growth mindset in so many aspects of my life.