Thanks to…
My parents, Dwaine and Jean Flora, who continue to say they are proud of their girls (and mean it).
Carolyn McCready and LaRae Weikert, for kicking me into gear on this (lovingly and with treats, of course).
Barb Sherrill, Betty Fletcher, Terry Glaspey, and Julie McKinney, for the support and encouragement throughout the process.
Bob Hawkins Jr., for taking a chance on a new voice in fiction.
The cheerleaders who inspire me to find my way, including: Jackie, who shared her own “Golden Horizons” stories and many encouraging words; Kari, for clever notes and chicken soup; my walking buddies—Christy, Abby, Andrea, and Shana—our conversations helped me shape my next step; Dawn R., for sweet friendship and belief; Nancy, for life discussions and walkie-talkies; Kimberly, for embracing the discipline and joy of writing.
Theos coffee shop, for providing me with a perfect setting to dream, write, and sip gallons of cold water extract coffee for hours on end.
Kim Moore, who is an empathetic reader, a dynamic editor, and a very kind soul. Thank you for taking care of my story and for shaping it into a stronger, tighter tale.
With gratitude for those who believe in the wonder and gift of books.