THE CABIN was everything Galen had hoped it would be. Rustic, yet filled with all of the modern amenities, and with this huge bed that beckoned all sorts of naughtiness.
They’d been there three days, trying out the bed in a whole host of ways, so much that they’d had to head down to town to buy more lube. Now Shane was napping, naked as a jaybird, a shaft of sunlight from the open window slanting across one hip bone. Made Galen’s mouth water, it surely did.
The vacation had been the best idea ever. They’d reconnected, learned each other again, and loosened up enough to play. Which meant, of course, that it was time to enact his evil plan.
Galen pulled out the little backpack he’d found that Shane packed specially for them, laid out everything carefully. There were cuffs, which he might skip for now, and Shane’s nipple chain, along with a cock ring and a plug. His cock stirred just thinking about it.
He’d start with the chain. Yeah. He grabbed it and knelt on the bed, one knee between Shane’s legs, and attached one end of the chain. Shane’s nipples both went hard, like they were calling for him. Ready for him to play.
God, he loved it when Shane was so attuned to him, so ready to rev up. He clipped the other end of the chain on, letting it drag a little, pull down.
“Mmm. Galen….” Shane’s forehead wrinkled, the briefest smile crossing his face.
“Mmm-hmm. Time to wake up, darlin’. I’m ready for that plan.” He pulled the chain a little, making it tight, watching the flush rise on Shane’s throat.
“Oh….” Shane stretched a little, one leg sliding up along his side. “Mmm. Feels fucking good, Len.”
“You know it.” Reaching down, he pressed Shane’s leg on the bed. “Now, darlin’, hold still for me.”
“Hmm?” Shane’s eyes opened, his lover smiling up at him. “Hey, Len.”
“Hey, babe.” Bending, he dropped a kiss on that sweet mouth, fingers lingering on one of Shane’s nipples. “I want to play.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I can play.” Hell, yes. The way that little nipple drew up let him know that.
“Good. You need to get up and do anything personal-like, now is the time….” He wasn’t gonna be done with Shane for a long time.
“I’m good.” Shane reached for him, hands sliding up his arms, thumbs digging in.
“Okay.” Grabbing Shane’s wrists, he pressed them back to the bed beside Shane’s head. “Now, let’s talk about the rules.”
“Rules?” Shane’s skin went a sweet pink, tongue flicking out to wet those pretty lips.
“Yup.” He stared right down into Shane’s blue eyes. “You’re gonna do exactly what I say, when I say.”
“I am?” Shane arched a little, rubbed against him, heating right up.
Palm flattening against Shane’s belly, Galen nodded. “Yes, yes you are. You wanna know why?”
“Yeah. Yeah, Len. Why?”
He leaned down until his breath fanned Shane’s lips, until their bodies almost touched all the way up and down. “Because I like it that way.”
He got a rough, needy sound, Shane rippling against him, cock hard against his belly.
“Think you can do that, darlin’?” he asked, easing back up, letting his cock slide against Shane’s balls.
“I can.” That stubborn look was back, set chin and needy eyes. Fuck, that was hot, that little edge, that challenge.
“Good, darlin’. Real good. Now, you just stay there.” He got the ring, the lube, and the plug and brought them back with him, showing them to Shane. “I think the plug first.”
He could spend hours watching that flush crawl up along Shane’s belly. Galen licked it, tracing the heat under Shane’s skin with his tongue before pushing up to lube the plug. “You like that, huh? Want me to see you all full, ready for me.”
“’M always ready.” Shane spread a little, cock bobbing over that six-pack.
“You’re something else, Shane. Mine.” His fingers spread lube around Shane’s hole, and he knew how cold that stuff was, how it would make Shane jump.
“Y… yours. Fuck. Cold.” Shane bowed up, ass leaving the mattress.
“Shhh. You have to be still, darlin’.” Galen put an extra growl in his voice, pushing the end of the plug against Shane’s body, working against the natural resistance.
He got a low moan, Shane’s hole stretching, spreading for him, sweet as anything.
“So pretty….” The plug slid all the way in, the base settling against Shane’s skin, and it was too fucking hot. Galen stared for a long moment, proud as hell of the way Shane stayed still for him.
He could see Shane’s body working the plug, muscles tensing and relaxing, over and over.
Stroking Shane’s thighs, Galen murmured and growled, loving on Shane, telling him how fucking perfect he was. “So hot for me, darlin’. Doing so good. I think you get a reward.”
“Rewards are good, huh? Fuck, that’s hot.”
“It gets better.” The tip of Shane’s cock was damp, shining in the low light, and Galen kissed it, licking the moisture off. Ta-da. Reward.
Shane shuddered, cock bobbing, bouncing hard. “Galen.”
“I got you, darlin’. I never let you fall, do I?” He wasn’t physically holding Shane this time, but he was always there. Right there. “Now hold still.”
Every breath that fell on Shane’s cock got him another shiver, but Shane went still when he snapped the cock ring in place, the sound almost shockingly loud.
“Oh. Oh sweet fuck.” Those eyes were huge, focused as fuck. On him.
Galen let himself touch, from the nipples, so hard and red, to the belly, all the way down to the cock and balls, bound in leather. Finally he jostled the plug before rolling off the bed and going to pour himself a whiskey.
“You’re fucking beautiful.”
“Where are you going, Len?” Shane shifted, leaned up on one elbow.
“Did I tell you to move, honey?” There. The bottle of Jack sat on the little kitchen table, and he wandered back with it and a glass, pouring a shot.
“No….” Shane’s nostrils flared at the scent of the whiskey. “That’ll always make me think of you.”
“Yeah? Make you think of the night we met? I wanted you so bad.” Just like he did now. Galen sipped his drink, his free hand sliding down his own belly to wrap around the base of his cock.
“You looked like a wet dream, sprawled out in that chair watching me. I didn’t have a chance.”
“Didn’t want you to.” That was what they’d almost lost, with him gone so much. That heat. The flare of necessity they felt right now. Tossing back the last of his shot, Galen wandered to the bed to push Shane down and kiss him until neither of them could see. When their lips parted, Shane’s hands were in his hair, one leg wrapped around his hip as they ground together, cocks sliding, side by side.
Laughing breathlessly, Galen pushed off, holding Shane down on the bed. “Darlin’, you’re not doing so good at the whole listening thing.”
“Huh?” He got a confused look, a happy grin. “Galen, my cock was listening to your kisses just fine.”
That had him swallowing hard, the urge to stop the game on him like white on rice. There was so much more to do, though. He jostled the plug a little, just because. “It listens way better than you do.”
Shane’s chuckle got lost in a moan, that focus back on the plug and what it was doing to Shane’s ass.
“That’s it, darlin’. Now grab the headboard.” The cuffs would just get in the way later, so Galen left them off.
It was sexy as hell, the way Shane reached, stretched, and grabbed the headboard for him. “Like this?”
“Just like that.” Instead of starting at Shane’s arms, though, Galen scooted down and started at the ankles, licking his way up to the back of Shane’s knee. Shane moaned, toes curling. He could see Shane’s sac, tightening up, wrinkling.
Nuzzling there a moment, Galen contemplated. Inner thigh? Hip? Yeah. One sharp hip bone just called for him to suck hard, bring the blood to the surface.
“Oh. Oh fuck. Gonna leave a bruise.” He sure as shit was. “I remember that, standing in my apartment after… looking at your bruises…. Shit.”
“I like the way you wear them.” Look at that. Reddish pink, but in an hour it would be purple.
Shane panted, lips parted and swollen as Galen found another spot, right above Shane’s pubes. Licking a little, he tasted salt, heat, and Shane. His favorite. Then he pressed his lips and tongue down and went to town. He could hear Shane babbling, just pouring love and pleasure and praise down on him. Grabbing those lean hips, Galen moved, leaving a trail of tiny bruises across Shane’s belly.
No one bruised like his darlin’. No one. Shane arched, just a little, then settled. Waiting for him.
“Mmm. Taste so good. Have I ever told you how I love your skin? I must have….” Galen licked at the little glory trail, moving down before moving back up, fingers stroking Shane’s balls while his teeth pulled at the nipple chain.
“Uhn. Once. Once or twice. Maybe. Fuck, that’s good.” Shane’s whole body shuddered, shaking under his touch.
“So good.” There. He found the base of the plug, Shane’s body stretched so tight around it, so hot it all but burned. Pushing at it made Shane shake, so Galen did it again.
“Galen!” Shane’s head just rolled, toes curling.
“Soon, darlin’. Soon. I want in you so bad, but I love how you look, right now.” His hands shook, his whole body tight, hot, sweat running on his skin.
“Need you. Need this, yeah?” Yeah. Yeah, he knew. He knew now that Shane needed him looking, needed to have him paying attention.
God willing and the creek didn’t rise, he’d never forget that again. Finally, Galen just couldn’t wait. He reached down, slipped the plug free, and grabbed the lube to get himself wet. “Now.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Now.” Shane’s eyes were on his cock, lips open, tongue slipping out.
Putting on a show, he pulled at his cock, slicking it up before he muscled between Shane’s legs. Yeah. The head of his cock hit Shane’s tender skin, and both of them groaned. Shane’s eyes were burning, just on him like a touch. Those thighs spread farther, Shane’s hole rubbing against the tip of his cock.
Moaning low, Galen pushed, his cock sliding right in, the feel of Shane’s muscles closing on him so good. Hot. Amazing.
Shane’s hands slid up his arms, fingers brushing his ink.
“Oh. Fuck, darlin’.” That touch hit him like an electric shock, and Galen started moving, hard and fast, not able to hold back a bit.
“Uh-huh.” Shane met each thrust, their bodies slamming together with sharp slaps.
“Sweet. Oh, darlin’. Sweet.” It occurred to him to reach down and unsnap the cock ring, letting Shane free.
“Oh.” Shane’s eyes went wide, almost shocked. “Galen. Soon.”
“Now.” He kinda demanded it. Okay, he really demanded it, squeezing Shane’s cock, needing to feel it. Heat sprayed over his fingers, Shane’s ass jerking and squeezing around his cock. Galen lost it, his body shuddering and pumping, his own cock jerking as he shot deep inside Shane. Man, he loved it when a plan worked out just right.
Shane was there to hold him, arms wrapped around him as he settled down against that hard little body.
“I like the way we play, darlin’. I surely do.”
“I like us, Galen.”
“So do I, Shane. All the way.” Galen kissed the side of Shane’s throat, starting to think they could weather any storm.