Clarity and heat characterize the pitta mind and body. This leads to an ambitious mind with a sharp intellect, and an athletic build and intense body functions, such as an active metabolism.
These are the characteristics of pitta as described in the classical Ayurvedic scriptures. They help us understand the effect pitta has on us.
• hot
• sour, light
• liquid, sharp
• slightly oily
• quickly penetrating
• slightly foul smelling
The influence of fire and water gives the pitta mind properties of penetration and transformation (such as a sharp intelligence and a proneness to anger). The diagram below provides more qualities associated with the pitta mind.
The influence of pitta leads to a medium-sized build with flexible joints. The pitta body’s functions are intense and sharp in nature. As functions fluctuate more readily than structures, they can be used as indicators to work out if pitta has been increased or upset by your current lifestyle.