Maintaining agni is one of the key principles of Ayurveda, and looking after our agni may now be one of our most important tasks, as it is weakened by most aspects of a modern lifestyle.
Ayurveda teaches us how to keep agni strong and healthy, and how to restore its function if compromised. This revolves around what, how, and when we eat, as well as how regularly we exercise.
WHAT TO DO • Eat at the same times each day • Eat a light and easily digestible diet of fresh, non-processed food • Fast regularly according to your health and dosha • Drink hot or warm water • Exercise regularly. |
WHAT NOT TO DO • Overload your stomach • Eat when you are not hungry • Have cold drinks • Become stressed, or eat a heavy diet during periods of stress • Have too sedentary a lifestyle |
MASSAGE The agni in the tissues needs to be strong in order for massage oil to be digested. A full oil self-massage can be too much too digest if your agni is weak. Stimulating oils, or dry-powder or silk glove massages are a good alternative. |
EXERCISE Exercise stimulates and strengthens agni and the entire digestive process. Try to exercise every day, or at least two to three times a week. |
Those wishing to strengthen agni benefit from using plenty of spices in their food and fasting 1 day a week (see here). Avoid eating too much, or foods that are too heavy. For more information about how to eat for strengthening agni, see here.
As well as the lifestyle and diet advice essential for strengthening agni, an Ayurvedic practitioner may recommend a course of therapeutic, agni-strengthening herbs, most of which also digest ama (see here).
Most yoga asanas have an agni-strengthening effect. A full yoga session will stimulate your metabolism and the agni in your digestive system, ensuring that you are ready to fully digest your meals. For more information, see chapter 6 on yoga
“The secret of being healthy and happy at all times is to be a little hungry all the time.”