Tracing their origin back to the oldest Indian scriptures, the vedas, ayurveda and yoga, are sister sciences. If yoga is performed correctly, it will help people of all doshas improve their physical and mental health.
A lot of people associate yoga mostly with the different asanas (yoga poses), but each pose is supported by rhythmic breathing to control energy levels (pranayama), and short periods of relaxation. While performing an asana, one must be simultaneously trying to achieve posture, breath control, and relaxation. This is something that comes with time and practice.
Performing the asanas (yoga poses) keeps the joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other moving parts of the body healthy, increasing circulation and flexibility. They also energize all of the body systems, providing an internally orientated, noncompetitive, and meditative exercise routine, while promoting an inner sense of calm.
Controlling the breath allows prana (“life energy”) to be stored and released from the solar plexus. This revitalizes the body and mind when performed before, during, and after asanas. Throughout the session, focus on the breath to reduce fatigue and boost oxygen supply.
Even when trying to rest, many people expend a lot of energy through tension. During complete relaxation, there is little or no energy being consumed—only enough to maintain metabolic function. Short periods of rest are taken between the asanas, while longer relaxation exercises are performed as the final element of the session.
These two systems are the most commonly practised worldwide. They are based on an understanding of the body and mind as vehicles of pure consciousness.
Hatha yoga, covered in this chapter, focuses on asanas, pranayama, and relaxation to unblock and channel prana (“life energy”).
Raja yoga, covered in the next chapter, emphasizes the mental control of prana through visualization, positive thinking, concentration, and meditation.
The asana, pranayama, and relaxation exercises are the same for people of all constitutions, and a balanced approach to these aspects of yoga will naturally enhance the balance of all three doshas. However, the experience of performing the exercises will vary depending on a person’s constitution. Look out for dosha boxes (see below) to learn how someone of your constitution might approach each exercise.
Movement comes easily to the vata body, so practicing the asanas is often pleasant. Moving slowly and holding poses, however, can be difficult.
Those with an ambitious pitta nature should direct their focus toward the simultaneous control of breathing, posture, and relaxation.
The kapha body is often slow to get started during a workout, but it has good strength, patience, and endurance once it does.
“A balanced approach to yoga will help stabilize all three doshas.”