Focusing the mind during meditation can be a real challenge. A good way to increase concentration and sattva (harmony) in these circumstances is through karma yoga—the practice of selfless service.

Balancing the mind through selfless service

Karma yoga requires a person to act in the service of others without expectation of material gain, acknowledgment, or fame. The action must be performed for its own sake.

The change of focus from oneself to others diverts the mind from self-centered thought patterns. What’s more, the process actually serves to balance the mind, because we are freed from the biggest source of psychological problems—the ego, which creates a sense of separation from others. When we open ourselves up to the pain of other beings (humans, animals, or even the planet as a whole), we can relate to them with compassion and empathy. This uplifts our minds and opens our hearts. After all, the purpose of human life goes beyond individual well-being—it aims at the expression of a higher consciousness through the individual. Our dharma (duty to live the right way) is thus to serve and work for the good of all beings. This will give us lasting peace and a sense of purpose in life.

How to practice karma yoga

Think how you can best use your energy, time, material resources, or knowledge for the good of society. This will cleanse your mind and bring you peace. When helping others, try to do the things shown around the image on the right.


This advice will help you serve others more successfully.


Swami Sivananda recommended practicing karma yoga for a few hours each week. Some examples of selfless service are:

Helping in a spiritual or charitable institution once a week

Visiting elderly people in a retirement home and lifting them up with positive words or spiritual readings

Saying encouraging and compassionate words to friends in distress

Thinking how you can best use your energy, education, or wealth to improve society, and then acting on it

“Life is meant for service and not for self-seeking. Hold your life for the service of others. The more energy you expend in elevating others, the more universal energy will flow into you.”