After asking questions, the practitioner will do a physical examination. This involves taking your pulse and examining your body to assess your constitution, to look for signs of dosha imbalances, and to determine the state of your dhatus (tissues).
Your pulse is one of the primary indicators of the state of your doshas. The practitioner uses three fingers to find your pulse, and its location provides information about your doshas.
1 The practitioner places three fingers over your radial artery. In women, the pulse of the left wrist is taken first; in men, the right.
2 He or she presses down firmly until they cannot feel your pulse, then they release their fingers slowly and note which finger first feels your pulse return.
3 A strong pulse under the forefinger indicates strong vata; the middle finger indicates strong pitta; and the ring finger indicates strong kapha.
The nature of your pulse (see below) can help to identify which dosha(s) are dominant in your constitution.
The tongue, eyes, nails, and skin are some of the most common parts of the body for a practitioner to examine because they can show early signs of dosha imbalance, weak agni (digestive fire), or ama (toxins). The practitioner may also examine your chest and abdomen.
If your tongue is dry, you may have a vata imbalance. If it is deep red or yellowish in color, it could signal a pitta imbalance, while a white coating indicates kapha imbalance. A thick coating may indicate ama.
Your eyes may be restless, indicating vata imbalance; yellowish and sensitive to light, indicating pitta imbalance; or watering and dull, indicating an imbalance of kapha.
Your nails will be strong and healthy if agni is healthy, but longitudinal lines can indicate your body is not absorbing food effectively.
If your skin is dry, cracked, and rough, you may have a vata imbalance. Red, hot, or sensitive skin with rashes can indicate pitta imbalance, while pale, cool, or clammy skin can indicate a kapha imbalance.
Your chest could be examined to check for abnormal sounds, such as wheezing. The presence of large amounts of mucus can indicate excess kapha.
Your abdomen or any tender part of your body may be palpated to assess damage or injury. This can help the practitioner determine the state of your tissues.
“Ayurveda is the science of life. It shows the way to remove diseases, to maintain sound health, and to attain longevity.”