We would like to thank Ayurveda-Acharya Shanti Kumar Kamlesh from Lucknow, India, for sharing his practical and enthusiastic knowledge of Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle during countless visits in the Sivananda Centers during the past 20 years.

Cordula would like to thank the Seva Academy in Munich, and especially her Ayurveda teacher Dr. Neelesh Taware, for generously sharing their knowledge and expertise.


The publisher would like to thank Soma Chowdhury, Janashree Singha, Madhurika Bhardwaj, and Nonita Saha for their help editing the recipes, Corinne Masciocchi for proofreading, and Vanessa Bird for creating the index.


The publisher would like to thank the following for their kind permission to reproduce their photographs:

(Key: a-above; b-below/bottom; c-centre; f-far; l-left; r-right; t-top) Liudmila Horvath 1c, 2-3, 4-5, 6t, 7r, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14t, 16t, 19t, 20-21t, 21br, 23br, 25br, 27t, 27r, 28-29, 31r, 34bl, 36tr, 39r, 40-41c, 42-43c, 44-45c, 48-49, 50-51, 52-53, 54-55, 56-57, 58-59, 60-61, 64t, 65br, 66b, 67br, 68-69, 72bl, 72-73c, 73t, 75, 76bl, 76-77c, 77t, 79, 80bl, 80-81c, 81t, 83, 84bc, 84-85t, 84-85c, 85br, 86bc, 87tc, 88-89, 90-91, 92-93, 94-95, 96tl, 96bl, 98-99, 100-101, 102-103, 104tl, 104bl, 105tr, 106-107, 108bl, 109, 110-111, 112, 113tr, 114bl, 115, 116-117, 118-119, 122-123t, 122-123c, 123br, 124tr, 125tr, 128tr, 129tr, 130tr, 131tc, 132tr, 134-135t, 136tr, 138tr, 140tr, 141t, 142tr, 144tr, 145cr, 146tr, 148tr, 149tc, 150tr, 151tr, 152tr, 153br, 154tr, 156tr, 158tr, 162-163t, 162-163c, 162-163b, 164-165, 168-169t, 169br, 176tr, 176b, 176-177t, 177br, 178tr, 178-179b, 179, 182b, 183tr, 185tr, 186-187, 189br, 192t, 192bl, 193br, 194t, 194bl, 195br, 198-199, 202-203, 204tr, 205br, 206tr, 207br, 208tr, 209br, 210tr, 211br, 212tr, 217t, 217r, 219t, 219r, 221r, 222-223t, 223br, 224tr, 224cr, Natbasil 22-23t, 191tr, Snezh 24-25t, 30-31, 46-47, 197br, 200-201, 202b, 203t

All other images © Dorling Kindersley

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While the information in this book has been carefully researched, the publisher and authors are not engaged in providing health advice for individual readers. Neither the publisher nor the authors can therefore accept any liability for loss, injury, or damage that is sustained by readers in consequence of adopting any suggestion or of using the information in this book.