Stolen Car was test-driven by teenagers in New York, Connecticut, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. In particular, I want to acknowledge the following students from Hudson High School in Hudson, Wisconsin, who helped me: Zach Reams, Jesse Griem, Mike Heth, Kelsey Bosman, Leah Glodowski, Shelbi Ball, Bailey Boron, Lisa LaBeau, Madalyn Gibson, Maddie Karras, Maggie Whitacre, MacKenzee Nicely, Allison Hawthorne, Beth Tiedemann, and Bradley Lindberg. Also thanks to other teens who lent me their eyes: Allison from Minnesota, Samantha aka Lolly Dreamer from the Creek in Michigan, as well as Gabby and Meredith from Connecticut. Also thanks to the “usual suspects”—Tricia Suellentrop, Amy Alessio, and Patricia Taylor—for their time, energy, and ideas. And always, thanks to Erica for her support.