I fish because I love to; because I love the environs where trout are found, which are invariably beautiful … and, finally not because I regard fishing as being so terribly important but because I suspect that so many of the other concerns of men are equally important—and not nearly so fun.
Robert Traver
At six-twenty-five A.M., Osborne walked into Saint Mary’s Church for early Sunday Mass. He took his seat, as he always did, on the right side of the church ten benches behind the choir. After receiving Communion, he circled back to his seat, as he always did, by walking down the center aisle toward the back of the church and past Judith Benjamin, kneeling in the last pew, her eyes downcast.
Out of habit, he looked straight ahead at the reflection in the glass doors as he turned to pass in front of them and return to his seat. To his surprise, he saw Judith turn her head first to the left to watch him pass and then to the right to follow him as he walked behind the last row of pews. He turned to go down the side aisle back to his seat with the uncomfortable sensation that she was watching him every step of the way.
He glanced back as he knelt in his own pew, his eyes traveling between bent heads to connect with Judith’s staring eyes. She looked away quickly. Osborne knelt very slowly. Knowing he was the target of such intense interest bothered him, and he wasn’t sure why. He found it difficult to concentrate on the Host and for the first time in years, he did not take five minutes to thank God for the property on the lake and the health of his children. Instead, as his tongue worked on the sticky little wafer, he wondered what it was that Lew knew about Judith.
Ray was waiting in his old pickup outside the church at seven-fifteen. He motioned to Osborne and moved over to let him drive. Fortunately for Osborne, the driver’s side door was the one that opened. The other door was permanently stuck so you had to crawl through the window to enter.
“Go-o-od morning, Doc,” Ray boomed, pulling happily at his beard as he slid over and angled his lanky frame into the passenger’s seat. “So why do the blind hate to sky-dive?”
“I haven’t a clue,” said Osborne as he pressed the clutch, turned the key, and pulled the steering wheel to his left to back out of the parking space, “Why?”
“Scares hell outta the dogs,” said Ray and laughed his old laugh: a silent bouncing of his body accented with twinkling eyes.
“Feeling better, I presume,” said Osborne dryly, pulling into the temporary traffic gridlock generated by everyone leaving Mass.
“Much better. Much, much better. You are driving with the champ, my friend.”
“Any luck reaching your sister and brother-in-law?”
“Not yet. I got their answering machine, and I left a message. I’ll try again around noon.”
The two drove in silence. It was a phenomenally beautiful spring day with sunshine glistening on the dewy firs. Osborne didn’t even mind that the driver’s side window wouldn’t close all the way. It made for a comforting flow of yeasty smells: leaf buds and fresh-melted snow. The loamy Wisconsin soil, ploughed last fall and almost soft enough for planting, gave off a warm, fertile odor with just a tinge of cow manure. The pickup sped up Highway 51 toward Boulder Junction, and Osborne listened patiently as Ray told one of his long, long stories about old Doc Shanahan and his mistress.
It seemed that about thirty years earlier, Ray and two young friends, one of them Shanahan’s grandson, witnessed a pleasurable though illegal act being performed on old Dr. Shanahan in the privacy of his very own home. The little scamps were watching from outside the living room window. Years later, the lovely lady engaged in the activity had walked into Loon Lake. Walked until she drowned. A suicide. Ray had his own theories on that, however, and Osborne heard them all in detail as they drove north. He listened with half an ear, keeping an eye out for the first buds on the tamarack and nodding whenever Ray paused for breath. They pulled into Boulder Junction twenty minutes before the festivities were to begin. Ray wound down his story with the punch line: “So y’see, the interesting thing is, Marsha was Judith Benjamin’s first girl.”
“What?” Osborne finally tuned in, but it was too late.
The one-street town was bustling as if it were a midsummer sidewalk-sale day. Banners hung from the gift shops, fly-fishing centers, and bait stores that lined the quarter-mile strip. Osborne felt good in the bright sun and crisp air. He swung the truck into a space near CoonSports, a sporting goods shop.
A good crowd for the season, given it was too early to see many out-of-towners, had gathered for the loon-calling event. Most of the attendees were familiar to Osborne, and every one seemed to be a best friend of Ray’s: predominantly male, including members of the sponsoring Lions Club, local fishing guides scouting business, seriously addicted muskie fishermen, and lots of mothers with small children. Ray sure does know the world, observed Osborne as he witnessed a parade of encouraging handshakes and backslaps. He should run for office. The contestants took their places on the small stage set up in the CoonSports parking lot.
Osborne sat down to wait patiently in a folding chair set toward the rear of the gathering. He was more than a little disappointed to discover the muskies hadn’t even been wrapped in their foil bakers and the charcoal was still cold. The fish wouldn’t be ready until late that afternoon. Darn! he thought. The news cast a pall over what had promised to be a fine day.
“Excuse me, Dr. Osborne?” Someone tugged at his sleeve.
He turned to see Winnie Grumbach, a former patient, and her husband, Walter, standing behind him. “I heard you asking about the muskie, Doctor,” said Winnie. “We’re going to be bringing some back to Loon Lake this evening for our son and his wife. Would you like us to drop some by for you?” She was a short, good-humored lady with a broad hook nose that made her look like a parrot. A parrot with dyed-black feathers and motherly eyes.
“Really?” said Osborne, reaching for his wallet. “I sure would. That’s very nice of you. Here—”
“No, no, Doc.” Walter put his hand out to push the two ten-dollar bills away. “Our treat.” Walter was all beige with a moon face and a very genial manner, which had served him well in the men’s clothing business. Osborne had known them since he arrived in Loon Lake. Nice people. Now that he could get some muskie, the day was good again. The obvious pleasure on his face must have served as an invitation.
“Doctor …” Winnie, who had put on about forty pounds since Osborne last saw her, parked her khaki-clad butt in the seat beside him and motioned to Walter to sit beside her, “I want to talk to you about those bodies you found.”
“Shush—after the contest, dear,” her husband said, patting her knee. “We need to include Ray, you know.” He pointed ahead.
They all focused their attention on the stage then as the MC for the festival introduced the contenders. About twenty-five people had shown up. However, hand votes from the crowd winnowed the competition down to two in less than half an hour.
Now the pros stood to challenge each other. The Canadian, a tall, handsome Metis, was good, very good. In fact, he was so good that Osborne had to applaud and felt sorry for Ray. He was sure the head injury was bound to take a toll on Ray’s wind if not his general well-being.
Ray ambled his long torso up to the microphone. He was wearing a warm red plaid Pendleton shirt with clean Levi’s and a good-looking deerskin vest that Donna had given him for his birthday. His eyes were serious over the carefully brushed and trimmed beard that reached to his chest. The stuffed trout was cocked jauntily over his ears. Though he had rolled his way up to the mike, shoulders slightly hunched, now he seemed to remember Osborne’s advice to stand up straight and pull in his gut. He threw his shoulders back and looked out over the audience.
Osborne closed his eyes and held his breath.
The haunting call of the loon started low and distant as if far across lake waters at dusk. Then the bird swept closer, its dark tones echoing over the reeds and gentle waves. He heard the mate answer and the two call back and forth, each distinct in tone, one overlapping the other. No sooner had the crescendo risen than the birds fell still, and the male turned his noble head to a rising moon. Now a low flutter of sound, then mounting urgency, then a hush … and a final aching hymn to the wild winds that kill and maim. With exquisite control, Ray gave voice to the ultimate challenge: the call of the wounded loon. Osborne exhaled slowly. He opened his eyes.
Walter and Winnie rose with him, the Lions Club members, the fishermen, the guides, and all the mothers and children to give Ray a standing ovation. He won hands down. He got the silver muskie to hang on the living room wall in his trailer for the next year. He also got coupons for free dinners at several restaurants, a gift certificate good at the men’s clothing store where Walter worked, and a case of Leinenkugel’s Original beer.
And he got Winnie glued to his side the minute he broke free of his admirers.
“Ray, about those bodies,” she said, looking up and tugging hard at his sleeve. “We need to talk.”
“She needs to talk to you,” echoed Walter from behind her. “Maybe in private?”
“Well, I dunno …” Ray’s eyes searched over their heads for Osborne, who nodded a silent okay.
“We’re headed for Susan’s up in Saint Germain,” said Ray, “I need pancakes.”
“We’ll follow you,” said Winnie.
During the twenty-minute drive, Ray and Osborne decided how much to tell, and Osborne was assigned to alerting Lew to the nature of their sources.
“I remember Mary Lee always looked down on Winnie for being a hairdresser part-time and for being an inveterate gossip,” said Osborne. “Not that Mary Lee wasn’t a vicious gossip herself when she had the chance.”
“Yeah? Well, gossip works both ways,” said Ray. “You give and you get. I’d like to know exactly what Winnie has picked up. That old gal is wired better than AT&T.” Osborne nodded.
With business covered, they drove in satisfied silence, Ray tickled with his success and Osborne pleased with the sunshine and the promise of a buttery muskie dinner.
Susan’s was bustling. Every table and even the twelve chairs at the counter were full. Something about the sunny Sunday had everybody in for late A.M. pancakes.
“Not to worry, Doc.” Susan, the proprietress, pushed her six-foot broad-shouldered frame through the crowded chairs and tables toward the doorway where Osborne, Ray, and the Grumbachs were standing. “I got a four-table opening up right now.”
Even as she spoke, four fishermen whom Osborne didn’t recognize rose to wave them over and introduce themselves. They’d been in the crowd for the loon call contest. Handshakes and back pats were exchanged as they congratulated Ray. “Now, be sure you have that homemade bread toast,” said one to Osborne as they finally turned to leave. Then everyone took a chair except Ray, who continued walking about the restaurant, happily accepting congratulations or announcing his victory to the ignorant. Osborne figured he’d be working the room for a good ten minutes or so.
“I never miss the homemade bread toast or Susan’s ham off the bone,” said Osborne as he pulled back a chair for Winnie. She plunked her chunky rear end down so fast, Osborne wondered if she thought someone was going to steal her chair. He was close. She certainly wanted to be sure no one stole his attention. Before their table was cleared, she had her purse open and had thrust a list of names in front of his face. It was clear Winnie had something to say.
She moved dirty plates and glasses back so the list sat squarely on the table in front of Osborne. “See this?” she started, leaning forward and keeping her voice low. “Do you know what this is?” Walter had also leaned forward. “I think these are the men you found in the water.”
“Winnie,” said Osborne, “I really can’t….”
“No, no.” She waved her hands at Osborne’s protest. “The word is out, Doc, and I know about the bodies. Now, you listen to me for five minutes.” Osborne knew when he’d been given directions, so he shut up, wrapped both hands around his coffee mug, and watched, his eyes intent on Winnie as she spoke.
“I’ve been working twenty hours a week as a receptionist at the Dairyman’s Association this year, and these are the names of four guests who disappeared six weeks ago. Everyone’s been frantic about it, but no one’s said anything to the police. In fact, we’ve only called one family so far. What’s weird is no one has called us. But these men are missing. I am ninety-nine percent sure they must be your bodies. So I want you to tell me what to do next, Dr. Osborne. Someone needs to know.”
Osborne looked at her blankly. He was stunned. “Jesus. Let me get Ray over here. Then we’ll talk.” He stood up and motioned over the heads of nearby diners to Ray. The look on his face must have been enough, because Ray stopped in happy midsentence and excused himself to hurry over and sit down.
“Winnie thinks she knows who the victims are,” whispered Osborne into Ray’s ear as they both sat down. He pushed the list in front of Ray and waited. Ray looked down. Osborne pointed to one name with a Des Moines, Iowa, address. Ray nodded.
Everyone around the table knew the Dairyman’s Association, known locally as the Dairy. It was the odd name for a very exclusive hunting and fishing preserve whose membership had once been exclusively bluebloods from Chicago. In existence since the late 1800s, the Dairy was a favorite haunt of the wealthy scions of the meat-packing fortunes. Few locals, including Osborne, had ever set foot behind the huge wrought-iron gates.
“Who the hell are these people?” asked Ray. “These names mean nothing to me.”
“We checked ‘em in as a group,” said Winnie, ready to launch into her case. “But see how they come from all over the country? They’re members of something called the Young President’s Organization. My boss calls it the YPO.”
“I know of the YPO,” said Osborne. “Wausau’s got a chapter. There was a gal in Mary Lee’s bridge club whose first husband had been a member of the YPO out of Milwaukee. Mary Lee was quite impressed, but I thought it all sounded pretentious as hell.”
“I’ll bet you didn’t tell Mary Lee that,” interjected Ray.
“No, I did not,” said Osborne, shooting Ray a dirty look. He was not real happy to be caught capitulating to a woman he was beginning to dislike more and more. Now that Mary Lee was gone and he had the opportunity to spend more time with folks like Winnie and Walter and Ray, he was realizing what a small world he had let Mary Lee restrict them to, small in several senses of the word.
“Hell, he wanted that meat loaf on the table,” humored Walter. He winked at Osborne.
“Thank you, Walter,” said Osborne, clipping his words, “confirmed bachelors have no idea how treacherous are the reefs of marriage. But seriously, Winnie, I do know what the YPO is. It’s a prestigious social club for men who become presidents of companies before age forty. Most of them inherit the position from their fathers, but there’s a few self-made types. It’s an upscale Rotary Club.”
“Why were they staying at the Dairy?” Ray asked Winnie.
“A two-week fly-fishing clinic,” said Winnie. “We do a lot of those with classes and guides, and we mix in business-type speakers so the guests can write off the hunting and fishing. Sort of silly, if you ask me. These people have so much money the last thing they need is a write-off.”
Walter interrupted, anxious to keep the conversation on track. “But, Dr. Osborne, no one arrives, then disappears for six weeks, almost seven now, like this group did. That’s what Winnie and I think is so strange. Why did they all leave together one night and never come back?”
“Right,” said Winnie. “We have all their stuff, we have their clothes, their fly rods, we even have their rental cars…. I finally called one of the wives to see what she knew about it.”
“And?” asked Osborne.
“She wouldn’t tell me,” said Winnie. “She said that her husband often went on YPO business and it was confidential. She was concerned about the length of this trip, but she said he had been gone as long as eight weeks before without telling her where he was. She said they were into ‘study groups’ and would ‘go to the source'—whatever that means.”
“That means they don’t have enough to do, they’re trying to justify being alive, they’ve got too goddamn much moola—that’s what that means,” said Ray.
Winnie had paused to pour almost a half cup of cream into her coffee, stir it in gently, add a packet of sugar, take a sip, and now she looked around at the men. “I thought that wife actually sounded relieved that her hub-bie wasn’t back yet. She wasn’t making a big deal of it, know what I mean? I’ll tell ya, I thought it was pretty weird she wasn’t even worried!”
Osborne and Ray looked at each other. Walter leaned forward, his chin cupped in his hand. More hot coffee arrived along with menus, which everyone glanced at quickly. They all ordered the same thing: buttermilk pancakes, ham off the bone, side orders of homemade bread toast, orange juice, and more coffee.
“Did you meet these men?” asked Ray.
“I saw them,” said Winnie. “I took their reservation cards and I told them which way their rooms were.”
“What were they like?”
“Just … the usual. Businessmen. Fly-fishing shirts, ironed Levi’s. Very pleasant.” Winnie stirred her coffee again. “Frankly, I barely looked at them. But when I heard you found those bodies, I couldn’t help but think it might be these guys. We’ve just never had guests go off and not return. It’s a big problem, you know. Those rooms were booked for new arrivals, and no one knows what to do. When people pay five hundred dollars a night, you don’t just boot them out.”
“Five hundred bucks a night!” Ray was incredulous.
“Yeah, see?” said Winnie. “The wife I called said it was just fine to keep on billing it, too.”
“Who’s running the Dairy these days?” asked Osborne.
“They brought in a guy from Minneapolis who used to run one of the big hotels and wanted to semiretire,” said Winnie. “He’s in a panic over this. I guess—now, I don’t know this for a fact—but I think the Dairy has not been doing that well financially for the last few years. So he wants no publicity on this. I’ll be fired if he finds out I’m talking to you. But I was going to call you today anyway.” Walter reached over and patted his wife’s hand. It was clear they’d discussed the risk before approaching Osborne.
“Don’t worry about that,” said Osborne. “Did they drive themselves off when they left?”
“Oh, no,” said Winnie. “The college hired Ted Bronk to drive them. That’s the next weird part. A number of us from the Dairy have been calling Ted’s house, but there’s no answer. He seems to be gone, too.”
Ray looked around the table and scratched at his beard. “Now, why the heck would the college have ol’ scumbag Ted driving some head honchos around? That sure as hell doesn’t figure.”
“Yeah, Ray, they coulda hired you,” laughed Walter.
“For their money, yes, they could,” said Ray. Suddenly his eyes shifted to the doorway. “Doc, Lew just walked in.”
Osborne set down his coffee cup and looked around to wave Lew over.
“I want you to tell Chief Ferris everything you just told us,” said Osborne to Winnie and Walter. He moved over to make space at the table and motioned to Susan they needed one more place setting.
“Ted Bronk is a popular guy,” said Lew after Winnie and Walter had cleaned their plates and left Susan’s. Her dark eyes caught and held Osborne’s. “Remember the dancer out at Thunder Bay yesterday? She said our Mr. Bronk took her friend somewhere, too.” Lew looked at Ray and Osborne both as she spread honey on her toast. “Time to talk to Ted.
“But, first, I have some other news for you two. Sloan was admitted to the hospital this morning with acute pneumonia and a collapsed lung. So I continue to need help. Doc, do you mind staying on as a deputy to work with me on this case? I’m sure it won’t be for much longer.”
“Me, too,” said Ray, wiping up the last yellow of his yolk with a small piece of crust. “Count me in.”
“Ray …” Lew looked hard at him, “I’m having a hard time with that. Professionally, I can’t risk it. Sloan reminded me it’s only eighteen months since the warden booked you for smoking dope out on the Flambeau Flow-age.”
Ray chuckled and looked down at his plate, “I blew that one, didn’t I.”
Osborne looked surprised. He hadn’t heard. Seeing the look on his face, Ray volunteered, “Yeah, I had some weed on me and there I was out in my boat minding my own business when ol’ Joe Schmidt rolls up and we haven’t liked each other since first grade and he wants to know what I’m doin’ sittin’ in my boat minding my own business so I said I was fishing for golf balls and wham he hits me with a misdemeanor and wrecks my budget. You know what they say about that asshole: ‘Joe happens.’ ”
Lew was unimpressed with the excuse. “How do I know you don’t have grass growing on your back porch these days? Ray, I’m not kidding. You cannot work in law enforcement with felonies on your record.”
Ray shrugged, “Misdemeanors, Lew. I got off, remember?”
“Only because Schmidt went easy with you after he received a package of frozen venison chops,” said Lew.
Ray folded his arms and leaned forward on the table. He looked straight into Lew’s eyes and lowered his voice. “Lew, I do certain types of work for people not unlike yourself, relationships that must remain confidential. Dr. Shanley is one I can mention. I’m not breaking any laws unless it suits my purposes, and when it does, I’m protected. I hope that explains something. Please don’t ask me to tell you things I’m not supposed to tell you.”
“I see,” said Lew. “I’m not surprised.”
“I didn’t think you would be,” said Ray.
Osborne listened in quiet amazement. He had no idea what they were talking about, and he didn’t think it would be wise to ask any questions at the moment.
“Fine, then,” said Lew. “I’ll count on both of you, and please stop by the station to do a little paperwork for me later today. The town will pay you, of course.”
“Do we have the report in from Wausau?” asked Osborne.
“I’m expecting it any time,” said Lew. “This delay is getting ridiculous.”
“Excuse me a moment,” said Ray, standing up and wiping his chin with his paper napkin. “Let me use Susan’s phone to try my sister again.”
He got up and went to the phone back in the kitchen while Osborne watched Lew scarf up two eggs over easy, three pork sausage links, homemade bread toast, and a side of ham off the bone. No wonder she looked so healthy, he thought as he downed another cup of black coffee. He waved to Susan for a refill.
“Hey, Doc,” warned Lew, “you drink way too much coffee. How many cups have you had just since I’ve been sitting here? That stuff’s gonna rot your stomach.”
“Lew, it’s my only vice,” said Osborne with a sheepish grin.
She looked at him and smiled. “We oughta do something about that….”
Suddenly Ray was back, wearing a big grin on his face, “Sis said Bill remembers the kid well. His name was Robert Bowers, and he was from Kansas City. Parents were very, very wealthy, Bill said, and he thinks the family may still live there. He said that young Rob was a good kid, quiet type. He was a junior counselor Bill’s last year there, and his family paid for him to have his own cabin, which was considered outrageous by the other counselors. But that fits for what we’re looking for, don’t you think? Bowers is the family name. Bill figures the guy’d be about 42 to 43 years old, which is right—”
“Bowers? That’s one of the names on Winnie’s list,” said Lew, interrupting and pushing back her chair. “Time to call Kansas City. Which one of you has some time? I have a couple calls to make before I can get back to work on this.”
“I’ll do it,” said Osborne. “An old college friend runs the newspaper in that town. Let me check in with him and see—”
“Great,” said Lew, “just be sure he knows we have no firm ID yet, and we can’t release anything to the press until that report is in.”
“I’ll tell you what, Lew,” said Osborne. “Let’s go over a few things right now so I don’t make any mistakes on this.”
Fifteen minutes later, after Lew’s detailed instructions, Osborne was headed back to Ray’s to get his own car.
“So how’s the new management at Thunder Bay?” asked Ray as they got in the truck, a twinkle in his eye.
“What was all that about ‘working for certain people'?” countered Osborne.
“Oh, that. That was pure bullshit,” said Ray, pulling on his beard and glancing at Osborne with eyes that seemed to be smiling. Osborne thought they also looked sly, and he looked away, uncomfortable. “Now she thinks I do surveillance for the DNR or somebody.” “Do you?”
“Nah,” said Ray, “that would add stress to this good ol’ boy’s life. But it got me what I wanted, didn’t it?” Ray winked at him.
Osborne decided not to believe him, but he kept his mouth shut. “Thunder Bay is quite the place,” Osborne said to change the subject. He offered up the details of their visit. Ray got real interested when Professor Bradford Miller showed up in Osborne’s story.
“You’re serious? The professor walked into Thunder Bay Bar and strip joint with Miss Judy?”
“We-ell, it was close; you couldn’t swear they were together, but it sure looked to me like she was giving him free beers,” said Osborne.
“How so?”
“Of four or five of us around the bar, he was the only one she served and I never saw him go for his wallet.”
Ray took it all in thoughtfully. “Now, isn’t that an odd pair: Brad Miller and Judith Benjamin? Maybe he swings both ways….”
“Brad Miller is one of the few people that I really, really dislike,” said Osborne. “He was a creepy little kid, even if he was my best friend’s son, and age has just made him worse. The man is smarmy, if you know what I mean.”
“Gee, Doc,” Ray looked at his friend, “give the guy a break. At least he’s smart. What does he have—a Ph.D. from Harvard or something like that?”
“Yeah, well, there’s smart and there’s smart. What I really don’t like about him is just what’s happening now: I feel guilty for thinking the creep’s a creep. Now, why is that? It makes me mad because then you bend over backward to be nice to the guy because you feel guilty, and before you know it, you’ve just about invited him to dinner. I give up.”
Ray laughed, “I think a lot of us feel that way. When we were kids, you knew that he was the guy to pick on, and everyone did. He was such a runt. So I think a lot of people in Loon Lake put up with his BS because they haven’t forgotten they were pretty mean to him way back when.”
The two men drove along in silence for a while. “But you know,” Osborne finally spoke, “he asked for it.”