Chapter 1

I didn’t realize when the stage lights came on, I was looking at the person who would completely change my well-planned out life. Tall, lanky, with a wild mess of shoulder length brown hair, my eyes are immediately drawn to him as he walks on stage.  His bandmates, I spare not even a glance. With his tight black jeans, black t-shirt, a multitude of tattoos on both of his sculpted arms and a cheeky grin across his face; his bad boy persona is complete. Not what I usually look for or think is attractive, but on him, he is pure sex and he has my full attention. The band starts playing and this sex god starts the first song as he confidently swaggers down the small set of stairs. My eyes follow, taking in how snug his jeans are as he moves closer to where I am standing in the second row. Finishing his part of the song, he looks out over the audience and grins. He is stunningly beautiful.

Throughout the show, my eyes are consistently drawn to him. I watch his, sometimes clumsy, antics on the stage and it makes him all the more endearing to his audience. He is always entertaining them, even when another member of his band is singing. He steals the show with his saucy grin, waving to individual people, throwing back items that were thrown on stage and sometimes filling his mouth with water to spurt out over the crowd. He has that natural sex appeal that makes every female here notice, from early teens to the grandmothers with their granddaughters. He stands out from his other band members because of that natural appeal.

He is the epitome of a rock star.

He continues to move around the stage waving, smiling, sometimes blowing kisses to his fans who scream even louder. During one song, as his bandmate sings, he is back to standing in front of us again but this time doing a crotch grab and I quickly look away as I feel heat flood me.

“He's good,” I silently acknowledge.

"Oh my Gawwwddd! He is looking this way!" screams Lexie who is next to me, staring up at the stage, adoration for him written all over her face. I automatically step to the left to give her more room to continue her jumping up and down.

Squealing while continuing with her little hops, up and down, she turns to me wide-eyed. Excitedly she squeals, "He is looking at you! He is totally looking at you!"

Looking back up at the stage, Lexie is right. He is looking at me. He doesn't wave or pull any of his other antics. He only stands there, cockily waiting for me to acknowledge his attention. I avoid direct eye contact.

Pushing away the sudden unexplainable butterflies swimming around my abdomen, I quickly look back at Lexie who is now screaming at me, "Wave to him!" Taking my arm by the elbow she raises it above my head, trying to form a wave of some sort. I let her do it only to appease her. After all I know this is part of his job and I have never been one to be star struck. With my steady boyfriend of about six months in the entertainment business, I have met a few stars when we have attended after parties and dinners. It really isn't something I am into, only something I have to do as girlfriend of an entertainment reporter.

I let my eyes drift back to the stage. They connect with his and the rock star fantasy seems satisfied as he grins, sending a cocky wink my way before walking to the other side of the stage. Another onslaught of girls are there waiting for his attention, all squealing, some of them crying and all of them begging for him to touch them. I silently admit that he knows exactly how to draw them all in, Lexie included and even me. I can understand and appreciate a job well done.

After several more songs, the band finishes the concert and walk off stage. There is a resounding standing ovation, comprised of screaming, chanting, stomping and clapping. The band comes back after several minutes of this and, “oh my” slips out as an appreciative whisper from my lips, when I notice he has pulled his hair back into a man bun. My breath catches as I look at the nape of his neck, wondering what he would taste like.

My thoughts shock me, but this man makes me think of sex.

My eyes watch, entranced, as he separates from the group to come stand on stage in front of Lexie and me. The girls ahead of us scream and press forward on the barrier keeping them back from climbing on stage, but he looks past them to me. Holding my gaze as the music starts again, slow this time, he begins to sing. He has a beautiful smoky, deep, raspy voice and I become enraptured with the music, watching the way his lips form each note. He has a beautiful mouth that easily turns into that cheeky grin, when someone throws a bra on stage breaking our eye contact. This one is a heart breaker. I pity the poor girl who falls in love with him.

The song ends, pulling my thoughts away from his lips.

Waving to me, he takes centre stage, bows and leaves. I become aware of Lexie, standing beside me, breathing heavily while repeating, "Oh my God, Oh my God, did you see him? He couldn't take his eyes off you!"

Fully back in reality, I respond flippantly, "That's part of his job, to reel females in to buy their records. He does a great job. I was totally smitten during that last song."

Grabbing my jacket and dismissing my reaction to a sexy rock star as normal, I turn to make my way from the second row. "Oh come on Kate! You had his total attention!" Lexie says as she quickly grabs her jacket to keep up with me.

"Excuse me miss?" I hear a voice to my right. Turning my head, I see a burly bald guy with "Security" marked across his chest. He is leaning across the barrier trying to get my attention.

Responding, I smile and say, "Yes?"

"Harley asked me to give you this," he says as he extends his arm out so that I can grasp the note.

Puzzled, looking at the security guard's extended hand then back to his face, I respond, "Harley who?"

I see a moment of shock light up his face and then a smirk appears. "Well now, that's a first!"

Lexie starts to squeal again, squeezing my arm, "Oh my God, I knew he was looking at you! Harley was the guy staring at you!" Turning to the security guard she explains, "She snagged me tickets for this concert from her boyfriend and I am the fan. She doesn't know who they are."

"Lexie", I say warningly. There is no need to announce to the group's security detail my lack of knowledge of the band. I heard some of their songs on the radio. When Lexie said she wanted to go to their concert, I said I would go. Knowing Ian could probably get us good seats, I asked him about tickets. I knew Lexie would be over the moon if she had seats anywhere near the stage. She was a huge fan of the group, knew a lot of their songs and each of the member's names.

Still smirking, the security guard lifts his arm again to hand me the written note while saying, "Well I have a note here from Harley for you."

Taking the note, I notice it looks like it was torn from a notepad. The writing was sloppily written saying, "Come backstage. Harley".

Handing the note back to the security guard I state, "Sorry, but I have a boyfriend."

In my mind I am thinking what a playboy Harley is and pass the note off as nothing. He was looking for nothing but a bed partner for tonight. Definitely not my type, even if I wasn’t involved with Ian.

The note is quickly grabbed from my hand by Lexie as she excitedly says to the security guard, "I'll go!"

Laughing, I quickly add, "My friend here would love to go."

The security guard, shaking his head while still grinning says, "No can do. Sorry pretty lady but he wants this pretty lady." Looking at me expectantly he asks, "Still not interested?"

Shaking my head, I respond, "I told you I have a boyfriend."

Shrugging and rolling his eyes he says, "Sometimes that doesn't matter. You ladies take care," and he turns to head backstage.

"What the hell? Why didn't you go backstage?" Lexie asks grabbing my arm.  She is clearly upset with me.

"Lex, you know I am with Ian! Remember? The guy who gave us the amazing tickets. The guy you swore you loved at the start of the show?" I laugh removing my arm from her grasp.

Sulking she replies, "You could have introduced me!"

"How can I introduce you when I don't know him? And guys like that invite girls backstage for one reason only," I say wearily. I do feel a little bad that she has missed a chance to meet the band. Lexie loves her celebrities.

"It was a once in a lifetime opportunity Kate! Nothing needed to happen. Besides...I would have taken care of him."

Rolling my eyes, I link arms with her and stroll out of the stadium pushing his intense green eyes and smoky sexy voice from my mind.