If your application is a monolith server, you don't need to turn all modules into microservices, because you can use existing third-party services and shrink the bulk of the code that needs rewriting. These services can help with many things, including storage, payments, logging, and transactional notifications that tell you whether an event has been delivered or not.
I recommend that you create and maintain services that determine your competitive advantage yourself and then use third-party services for other tasks. This can significantly shrink your expenses and the time to market.
In any case, remember the product that you are delivering and don't waste time on unnecessary units of your application. The microservices approach helps you to achieve this simply, unlike the tiresome coding of monoliths, which requires you to deal with numerous secondary tasks. Hopefully, you are now fully aware of the reasons why microservices can be useful. In the next section, we will look at why Rust is a promising tool for creating microservices.