Agrobusiness 101
»Art food« 177 f.
Baby food 169 f.
Baby boomers 65 f.
Basic research 77 ff.
Beet sugar 60 f.
Big Data 179
Bioactive substances 96
Biomarkers 115
Birdseye, Clarence 64
Borden, Gail 56
Bosch, Robert 64
Brain Food 80
BSN Gervais-Danone 75
Bubble mice, aseptic 122, 152
Cailler, François-Louis 61
Calico 139
Calories, intake of/Life expectancy, correlation 16
Campbell, Joseph A. 53
Candler, Asa Griggs 69
Cereal, breakfast 71 f.
Chocolate 61 f.
Coca-Cola 68
Coffee 70 f., 166 f.
Collectivization, forced 46
Colon, microbiome 119 ff.
Condensed milk 56
Consumer Confusion 32
Consumer Skin Health 138
Convenience Food 69
Convenience Products 163
Daily routine 161
Dairy products 54 ff.
Danone 75
Dementia 126 f.
Demography 106
Design Thinking 130
Destructuring, daily routines 161
Development, practical 77 ff.
Diet fashions 93
Diet myths 154 ff.
Diet types 156 ff.
Discounters 106
Diseases, age-related 140 f.
Diseases, chronic 27 ff.
Diseases, diet-related 78
Dried milk powder 56, 58
Durand, Peter 52
Dutch Hunger Winter 38
EarlyBird 117
Eating habits 171 ff.
Environmental aspects 88 f.
EpiGen Consortium 116, 124
Epigenetic markers 38
Epigenetics 38, 40, 111 ff.
Erbswurst 59
European Union (EU) 101 f.
Everyday culture 160
Extruder 80
Famine 44 ff.
Farine Lactée Henri Nestlé 51
Fast Food 66 ff.
Federal Food and Drugs Act 53
Fermentation 54, 97
Food blogs 159
Food craft trades 105
Food industry, global 101 ff.
Food industry, importance 60
Food preferences, acquired 154
Food safety 107 f.
Food supply, cost-effective 91
Food trends 23
Food, canned 52 ff.
Food, durable 58
Food, new quality 177 f.
Food, shortage 45
Food, soldiers 51 ff.
Framingham Heart Study 29
Free-from Trend 164 ff.
Functional Food 95 f.
Gene pool 114
Genetic research 112 ff.
Genetic testing, benefits 178 f.
Genetics 40
Genome, human 111 ff., 120
Gluten 164 ff.
Health and Wellness 130 ff.
Health App 31
Health awareness, growing 29 f.
Health systems, preventive 145 ff.
HealthCare Nutrition 133
Healthy Wealth 159
Heinz, Henry John 53
Human genome project 111
Ice factory 63
Ice industry 63
Icebox 63
Ice cream 67
Individualization 32
Infants, intestinal bacteria 124 f.
International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS) 33
Kellogg, John Harvey 71
Kellogg’s Cornflakes 70
Kitchen, status symbol 159 f.
Knorr 59
Knorr, Carl Heinrich Theodor 59
Koch, Robert 119
Lack of iron 94 f.
Lactose 164 ff.
Legumes 50f.
Libby’s 52
Libby’s Corned Beef 52
Liebig, Justus von 48f.
Liebig’s meat extract 49
Life expectancy 25f.
Life Sciences 35 ff.
Life-Science-Paradigm 89 f.
Lifestyle 159 f.
Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) 31
Linde, Carl von 63
Lindt, Rodolphe 62
Low Temperature Freezing 80
Macronutrients 93 ff.
Maggi legumes flour 50
Maggi noodle soup 94
Maggi, Julius 49 f.
Margarine 58 f.
McDonald’s 67
Medical Nutrition 133
Megatrends, global 22
Mège-Mouriés, Hyppolyte 58
Metabolism, personal 36
Metabolomics 117 ff.
Microbiome 119 ff.
Micronutrients 35, 93 ff.
Microwave 70
Millennial generation 30
»Mindful Snacking« 75
Mobile Eater 162
Molecular genetics 40
Mondelez International 75
Multi-aging culture 26
Muscle mass, age-related loss 125 f.
Natural disaster 44 f.
Natural resources, competition 85
Naturalness, guiding principle 76
Nescafé 70 f., 77
Nestlé & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company 61
Nestlé Health Science 34, 133 ff.
Nestlé HealthCare Nutrition 133
Nestlé Healthy Kids 171
Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) 34, 81 f.
Nestlé Nutritional Foundation (NF) 98
Nestlé Nutritional Profiling Systems (NNPS) 98 f.
Nestlé Portion Guidance 170
Nestlé Research Center (NRC) 78 ff., 167
Nestlé Skin Health 137 f.
Nestlé, Henri 48
New Vision for Agriculture 104
Nutriceuticals 139
Nutrigenetics 41, 114
Nutrigenomics 36, 41, 114
Nutrition 80f.
Nutrition Research, molecular 41
Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company 132 f.
Nutrition, poor 141 f.
Nutritional criteria 98 f.
-omic 39 f.
Ordoliberalism 147
Out-of-home catering 86
Page, Charles 56
Paradigm, ecological 87 f.
Pasteur, Louis 48, 54
Pemberton, John Stith 68 f.
Pepsico 73 f.
»Personalised Health Science Nutrition« 109 f.
Peter, Daniel 61
Phytochemicals 97
Plant materials, primary 97
Plant materials, secondary 97
Popularly Positioned Products (PPP) 78, 86, 99
Population growth 46
Preservation of food 48
Preservation techniques 52
Prevention 143
Prevention, primary 144
Private labels 107
Probiotics 97, 153
Producer paradigm 87 f.
Product Technology Centers (PTCs) 79
Purchasing power 106
Quality Eater 158 f.
Raw milk 55
Refrigeration machines 48
Refrigeration technology 63
Rempel, Rudolf 54
Retailers 106
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) 113 f.
Silver Society 24ff.
Social Trends Health 30 f.
Society, competitive 30
Soup for infants 50
Soup, bags and cans 69
Spices 167
Suchard, Philippe 61
Supermarket chains, international 106
Supply, global and local markets 103
Take-away meals 66
Time pressure 162
Trade 106 f.
Turnip Winter 1916/1917 45 f.
UHT-Milk 55
Unilever 74
United States Public Health Service (PHS) 29
van Houten, Coenraad J. 61
Weck, Johann 54
Weight, reduction of 118 f.
Wellbeing Company 132
World Economic Forum 104