Chapter 25
When Jo woke up the next morning Acorus was not next to her. Turning over and cuddling his pillow Jo could smell his scent still on it. Hearing the shower running she rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom, thinking that she would surprise him. Luckily, just before she pulled off her nightdress, she saw Khala brushing a heavily embroidered dark blue tunic, with a mandarin collar.
Retreating into the bedroom she remembered that they had an appointment with the Queen and Council. Going to her cupboard she looked at the two, beautiful long gowns, that she had bought with Ileya. Trying to decide which one to wear, she took out the purple one and going to a long mirror, set into the wall, held it against her. Turning this way and that, she piled her hair up to see how it would look. Shaking her head, she threw it on the bed and took out the silver and blue gown, holding it against her; she once again stood in front of the mirror. It looked stunning, and she thought of Acorus’s dark blue tunic. They certainly would complement each other.
She hung the purple gown back in the cupboard and took out the leggings that went with the silver and blue gown. Just as she took the shoes, that went with the dress, out of the bottom of the cupboard, Acorus entered the bedroom. He looked so smart that she said “Gosh, you look very smart”.
The blue tunic fitted him to perfection, defining his broad chest and shoulders, tapering down to his slim hips and the top of his legs, which were covered with tight trousers in dark blue, fitting into knee high boots.
“Huh”, he sighed “the Queen doesn’t like our body armour, so we are required to wear this fancy courtier’s garb. Luckily I am not required to attend her very often”.
“How soon do we have to be ready?” Jo asked.
“Our appointment is for ten, so you have plenty of time. I’m going to call for breakfast, and I’ll send Tchu and Tjai into you” Followed by Khala, he went through into the main chamber.
Leaving her dress on the bed Jo went into the shower. She washed her hair and was brushing it dry in the hot air when Tchu and Tjai came in.
Tjai said “I have some special oil to keep you calm and unstressed, so get up on the table and I will massage you”.
Jo hopped up onto the table and Tjai told her to lie on her back as she would do her stomach and breasts first to prevent any stretch marks. When she had done those she changed the oil and strongly massaged the rest of her, finally spraying her pulse points with a floral perfume she declared that her job was done. Sliding off the table Jo had to admit that she felt fantastic. Tchu took the hairbrush that Jo had been using and sitting Jo in a chair vigorously brushed her hair until it gleamed.
Taking some amazingly crafted combs out of her pocket Tchu skilfully piled Jo’s hair up into a style similar to a French pleat, but with little plaits holding the side hairs in place. Sliding the combs into strategic points she declared herself satisfied. Jo put on the leggings which fitted like a glove and Tchu slipped the gown over her head. , tweaking it into place and stepping back, Tchu said “You look so beautiful. What a Queen you will make!”
Picking up the earrings that Acorus had bought her Jo wished that she had thought to buy some that would go with the dress. Tchu suggested that Kylie might have some to go with it as she was always going shopping. They were just about to go and find Kylie when Acorus came in, when he saw Jo; he stopped and shook his head.
Jo said “What’s the matter? Aren’t I dressed correctly?”
“You look absolutely fantastic”, he said, not able to stop himself licking his lips and swallowing hard.
Stepping close to her ear he murmured, “Almost as good as you do with nothing on!”
“You are incorrigible, what am I going to do with you?” Jo muttered.
“I can think of one or two things you could do with me” he murmured, licking his lips suggestively.
Jo slapped him on the arm and told him that she was just going to see if Kylie had any earrings to go with her dress.
“Wait” he said searching his pockets “Oh yes here it is” and he took a flat box out and handed it to Jo. Opening it, she looked at him open mouthed. The box contained two necklaces and two pairs of matching earrings. One set was of flat polished stones the colour of amethysts and opals and the other set was slivers of stones the colour of sapphires and pure silver. They were both mounted on silver.
“Oh my god” she gasped “these are perfection!”
“Then they are going to belong to the right girl, as you are perfection, in every way”. Acorus gently took the blue and silver necklace out of the box and fastened it round her neck.
It nestled comfortably between her breasts, the colours complimenting her dress. Putting the earrings on, Jo looked in the mirror and said “Acorus, how can I thank you? This is so thoughtful. How did you know what to get?”
“I’ll answer the second question first; I just looked at the dresses you had bought. I didn’t know which one you would decide to wear so I got two sets. After all you will wear the purple one at some stage” he explained “As for how you can thank me, I’ll tell you later!”
Jo put her arms round his neck and kissed him sweetly “It doesn’t seem fair that a thank you will be enjoyed just as much by me” and she widened her eyes at him.
“Stop it you hussy or we will be late for our meeting” he growled loosening her arms and stepping back.
Jo laughed at him and said that she was ready to go if he was, turning to Tchu and Tjai she thanked them for their help.
Steering her ahead of him, Acorus opened the door and they went into the main chamber. Kylie was sitting there waiting for to see them go. Clapping her hands she exclaimed at the way they looked. Telling Jo to sock it to them she kissed Acorus on the cheek and let them go. As they passed through the main door the guards sprang to attention and saluted. Acorus saluted back, and to Jo’s surprise turned right instead of the usual left. She looked a question at him and he explained that they were collecting Ileya, so would go out of the front door.
The corridor was made of the shiny white stone, but with, cream walls with darker veins going through it, like marble. There was hidden lighting along the walls, and then suddenly the corridor opened out into a circular entrance hall with different corridors leading off. There were large displays of flowers on plinths and a large chandelier twinkled in the light from double doors made of what looked like heavy carved crystal. On either side were windows, and the whole hall was bathed in sunlight.
Ileya came down the corridor from her quarters, on her hover scooter, looking extremely smart in a long gown of black and gold. Her black hair was piled on top of her head and she had gold combs init with gold earrings of the same design. Her hands were covered in many large rings of gold and precious stones. Jo could see how attractive she must have been when she was young for she still looked striking.
When she saw Acorus and Jo waiting for her she smiled and speeded towards them. As she braked in front of them, Acorus pretended to leap back, laughing and telling her that she was a speed freak. As they all went out through the crystal doors Jo was thinking back to her first sight of the villa, remembering that she had been amused at the thought of being taken to the tradesman entrance.
The big black vehicle that Ileya always travelled in was waiting outside the door. Acorus helped Ileya into the back, while one of the guards put her scooter into the back. Then Acorus came to Jo and held the door open for her. She climbed in and sat in the middle and Acorus got in next to her, once settled the vehicle set off. At the gates eight outriders, on their motorbikes were waiting for them. Four went in front, one on each side and two behind.
Ileya asked Jo how she was and Jo told her that she was feeling very nervous. She was worried that, as she didn’t know much about Scerior or even how to address the Queen, she would make a fool of herself. Ileya told her to call the Queen, madam and not to worry as everyone knew that she was new to Scerior. Then Acorus cut in and said that she should just be herself, that was what the Queen and Council wanted to see. Unseen by Ileya he took her hand and squeezed it.
Jo couldn’t see much out of the windows so she had no idea where they were going.
They travelled for about thirty minutes and then they were stopped outside enormous metal gates, intricately carved and decorated in red and gold. The guard looked into the back of the vehicle and seeing Acorus sprang to attention and saluted. The gates swung open and they passed inside. The white gravelled drive was flanked on both sides by trees covered in blossom, one red, and then one white. Beyond the trees was bright green grass, well Jo thought it looked like grass, with here and there beds of brightly coloured shrubs.
Grazing on the grass were small, medium and large animals. Acorus explained that they weren’t domesticated or farmed, but were wild, living wherever they wanted to. They were all very attractive and healthy looking.
Finally they reached the end of the drive and ahead of them stood an extremely large building. As usual it was all white, but decorated with gold scrolls, and the whole frontage was full of windows, through which could be seen gold screens, there to keep the interior cool. As with Acorus’s main door, the large door they pulled up to appeared to be made of carved crystal. The guard on their right had fallen back to join his companions at the rear, and as they stopped an Escorii male, immaculately dressed opened the door. Acorus got out and put out his hand to Jo. When she was safely standing on the ground he went round to help Ileya out. One of the guards had taken her scooter out of the vehicle and taken it round to her. When she was seated comfortably she joined Jo in front of the door. To Jo’s surprise Acorus stepped in front of them and following the Escorii, they entered.
The interior was even more beautiful than the outside, with the usual white stone floors and marble coloured walls were illuminated by crystal chandeliers. Flowers were everywhere, and the light wood tables were inlaid with red, gold and black. Chairs by a table were decorated with embroidered flowers, once again in red gold and black.
As they walked into the large round hall a Sceriae female came from a corridor and greeted them. Bowing to Acorus she spoke in Sceria and led them down the corridor. Jo noticed that this was attractively decorated too, but Jo was too nervous to take in any details. At one end of the corridor was another crystal door which the Sceriae opened without knocking, and suddenly they were in a large chamber, one side all windows, with their screens flung back. They looked out over more spacious grounds and down to a shining blue lake.
In the centre of the room was a large round table, surrounded by high back chairs, one of which was higher backed than the others and was inlaid with gold. This chair was empty, also two chairs on one side and one on the other side. All the other chairs were occupied, with nine Sceriae females and two Escorii females. Acorus led Jo to the two chairs on the right of what Jo thought of as a throne. Ileya took herself to the single empty chair. When they were standing in front of their chairs all the females bowed to Acorus who bowed back and then sat down. The females were all looking with interest at Jo, so feeling very self conscious she kept her eyes down, afraid to do anything wrong. Acorus leaned towards her and said “They are only staring because they cannot believe your beauty”.
That didn’t help because she started to blush, and she could feel him laughing at her. She gave him an evil look and taking a deep breath calmed herself. Just in time because the door opened wide and an imposing figure swept in escorted by four Escorii females.
The Queen wore a cream gown embroidered with hundreds of crystals, an over-gown of gold with red threads and more crystals, fell from her shoulders and down her back. Her jet black hair was threaded with grey, her lily white skin was flawless, but her eyes were deep set and shadowed with sorrow. As she swept into the room everyone stood and bowed and Jo hurriedly did the same.
The Queen bowed her head in response and going to Acorus kissed him on the mouth, then she turned to Jo and said “So you are the earthling who holds my General in such thrall. In such a short space of time too. Should I congratulate you or have you punished for witchcraft?”
Jo didn’t know what to say, but Acorus stepped in and rescued her “Madam, your wicked sense of humour is not known to Jo-Anna. You will frighten her silent with your joking, although, come to think of it, her silence sometimes would be a blessing!”
Because Jo felt cross at that, she found her voice, “Madam, it is a great honour to meet you, I can only say that your planet Scerior, is the most beautiful place, more so than I could ever imagine”.
The Queen indicated that everyone should sit, and then turning to Jo said, “I also am pleased to meet you. To finally find a female who can tame my General, is something I never thought would happen. But he has told me that your mind is as beautiful as your body.
If your body is as beautiful as your face then you must have an awe inspiring mind”.
Jo blushed and didn’t know what to say so she just smiled at the Queen and tried to look demur. She could tell that Acorus was having difficulty not laughing at her. The Queen looked at her searchingly and then turning to the others she said that they must get down to business.
One of the Sceriae females opposite the Queen said “Madam, we have read your decision about declaring Lord Acorus as King, when you are with your ancestors. We have, as you know, already discussed this in Council. While we are in agreement that he would be your obvious heir, but we have reservations about his choice for his Queen”.
To Jo’s surprise it was Ileya who spoke up “That is why we are here. As you know, I am the oldest female left on Scerior. I may live longer than the Queen; I doubt it, but not many years longer. Even so, I would not have the stamina to fulfil the role properly, therefore it has to be decided before either myself or the Queen expires. Lord Acorus has said that for him to take on the role as our King, many things will have to change, and he feels that Jo-Anna is the right female to assist in that change. She has not been on Scerior for any time at all, but during that time she has proved her mettle. Firstly she impressed all on the ship, although frightened and not knowing what was going to happen, she attempted to keep others calm. The Escorii Tchu has put in excellent reports about her intelligence and bravery. She acted quickly to save Lord Acorus’s life, even though she didn’t know whether she liked him or not!” here the females round the table chuckled and it was Acorus’s turn to be embarrassed. Ileya paused to let them chuckle then went on.
“When she heard why the Chomanay had attempted to assassinate him, she spoke good common sense, leading to the rescue of a Chomanay clan and a good warning to the Xenorii. Although very young, and unsure of what she was doing she assisted me well when I treated the appalling injuries to the Chomanay females. Then when one of our young soldiers was accused of rape by a young Chomanay female, she talked to the girl and examined her, discovering that the only injuries she had were what she had received from the Xenorii. That young soldier owes her his life. With our teaching she will have a mind as good as a Sceriae but with the added benefit of the education she received on Earth. We are an extremely advanced race in many ways, but I have grown through my work, to admire many things about the human females and Jo-Anna is the best that I have met over the last difficult years”.
Ileya sat down, to silence, then one of the Escori, at the table, stood up “Lady Ileya is correct about Tchu’s report but what has not been said, is that within days of arriving here she asked to be taught telepathy and Sceria. Tchu has reported that she is picking up telepathy better than a lot of Sceriae. Also after the second day, and she looked at Acorus frowning, “she has brought herself to forgive the Sceriae for abducting her, and forcing her to a life that she had not planned for herself. I can speak for all Escorii when I say that we would be proud to have her as our Queen, once she has learned all she needs to know about Scerior!”
The other Escorii nodded and clicked their fingers, clearly the way they clapped politely, Jo thought. She was feeling extremely embarrassed, when the Queen turned to her and said “Let us hear what Jo-Anna has to say”.
She went to stand up, but the Queen told her to stay sitting, so she sat for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts. Speaking clearly she said “I know that you are aware that I am only eighteen years old. I have had a lot to digest over the last short weeks. I hated what happened to me, imagine being abducted from your home and friends, all the plans you had for your life thrown away. But saying that, I know that my own race faced with extinction would have done no different, so I have come to admire the Escorii and the Sceriae. However I must warn you that if you do decide to train me to be Lord Acorus’s consort, then I will be wanting some things changed. I know that I will have to go slowly and be guided by your wiser minds, but I must point out that I am stubborn, in fact some have said bloody minded, have a big mouth and a quick temper”.
As Jo sat down Acorus put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it. There was silence once again, some of the Sceriae cleared their throats or looked at each other with their eyebrows raised.
Then the Queen spoke “Well; now we know how Jo-Anna feels. To hear that she thinks things must change, may appear that she is being awkward or foolish. But I have spoken with Acorus and Ileya about the situation with the human girls and I agree with her. I know we have done our best to look after them and make them comfortable, but Jo-Anna has pointed out that we have treated them like humans treat their animal pets. Unfortunately we didn’t make allowances for the fact that they have highly complex brains. We saw them fighting each other and that is all we saw. But beyond that they have highly developed societies which we must make allowances for”.
The Escorii, Ileya and Acorus all clicked their fingers and the first Sceriae to speak; spoke again “Now that we have heard from our Queen and Jo-Anna we must come to a decision. Do we want Acorus as King, and if we do, do we accept Jo-Anna as his consort? If we do then we have to install Jo-Anna as Lady to Lord Acorus. Lady Ileya has said that she is happy to stand down as Lord Acorus’s official mate, so it is up to this Council to decide whether that is the right thing to do”.
The Queen then stood up and said “Now we must vote. Firstly do we make Jo-Anna, Acorus’s official mate?”
All but two said ‘Yes’.
“Then that is decided” the Queen said. “Next, do we accept Acorus as our future King?”
The same two were against that as well.
“That is decided also” the Queen said “Next, do we accept Lady Jo-Anna as our future Queen”.
The two who had voted against everything sighed deeply as that was passed too.
Then Acorus stood up and said “As you know I had reservations about being your King, mainly that I enjoyed being a soldier. Once again Lady Jo-Anna pointed out that there was no reason I couldn’t do both. For the first time in my life I have experienced the thing that earthlings call love and let me tell you it is not something to deride even though I am still not sure what it is” Acorus laughed and the Queen joined in.
Then he turned to Jo and said “My Lady, thank you for honouring me by agreeing to be my mate. And now ladies, Jo-Anna wants to discuss some matters with you that I consider for females only. So please excuse this cowardly male if I make myself scarce” and with that he kissed Jo’s and the Queen’s hands and left the room.
As he left a babble of voices in Sceriae broke out, each female having something to say about the meeting, apart from the two who had voted ‘No’ to everything. The Queen turned to Jo and quietly told her that she had done well, impressing the Council with her outspokenness, not hiding her strong personality. Jo told her that she had been very nervous but could not hide the things she felt strongly about.
Then the Queen clapped her hands and there was silence “I have ordered food and drink as I am sure we are all ready for refreshments. While we are eating we will listen to what Jo-Anna has to say in an informal way, but I must insist that you let her have her say. Remember also that she is pregnant with a half breed, and that makes human females very tired”.
Food and drink was brought in and everyone helped themselves, the two Escorii being treated like everyone else.
When everyone had taken what they wanted they settled down in their seats and waited for Jo to speak “As our Queen has said, being pregnant with a Sceriae/human baby is very tiring because they grow so quickly. It saps a girls energy, so the first thing I want to talk about is contraception”, Jo could feel herself blushing, but determinately went on, “If I am going to be Queen, and I must say I hope it doesn’t happen for a long time, I cannot be permanently pregnant. Unfortunately, unlike the Sceriae, humans can become pregnant any time. There is one thing that is certain; Acorus will not allow me to deny him sex, um mating. He has discovered why humans do it for enjoyment and will not be denied” Jo could feel her voice getting squeaky and her mouth was dry, but she was determined. “So the solution is contraception. On Earth we have discovered things to prevent girls having babies. Unfortunately you have had no need of that here, but I am sure that if some of the pills are brought here, you could copy them. Then the girls who are happy having babies can have them and the ones who only want a few babies don’t have to be permanently pregnant, which while I am learning to be Queen includes me”.
Jo gulped and took a long drink. She knew that she should eat something but felt that she couldn’t swallow a thing.
“Are you suggesting that we allow the human females to only have the babies they want to have? That is ridiculous, it will put back the saving of our race by generations” snapped one of the Sceriae who had voted no.
Jo snapped back “It will reduce the suicides and deaths, and make the girls useful citizens instead of slaves!”
There was a concerted gasp at the word slaves.
“Oh, I’ve shocked you! Then imagine what it is like for a sentient being to be kept prisoner and constantly raped, no matter how luxurious their prison” Jo was unable to stop herself.
The group were whispering among themselves, including the Escorii.
The Queen held up her hand for quiet, “Ladies, we have asked Lady Jo-Anna to tell us how we can improve things in our regeneration program. She is being extremely courageous by telling us things we don’t want to hear. Would you have been as brave if you were held captive on her planet? If we don’t learn to do better we will not survive, so let her talk”.
Jo continued, “The next thing that must change, and Lord Acorus agrees, is the killing of the girls who do not pass your medical tests. I have suggested that the tests are carried out while the girls the girls are still unconscious from their abduction. Then they can be returned to Earth thinking that they had simply fainted”.
There were murmurs and nods of agreement. One of the Sceriae females said that she had been worried about the girls who had not passed their tests, and that the solution was so simple, they should be ashamed that they had not implemented Jo’s suggestion already
“Next” Jo carried on “I feel that a human should be on the ship, to explain to the girls why they had been abducted”.
Many shook their heads at that, and the Sceriae who was against everything said that it would serve no purpose, the girls didn’t need to know anything because they had no choice anyway.
Jo exploded angrily “How dare you sit there talking about intelligent, caring beings in such a way. You are showing one of the bad traits of the Sceriae. Thinking that you are the only important and needed species in all universes” shaking all over Jo sat down and lowered her gaze so that they couldn’t see her eyes full of tears.
There was complete silence in the room, then Ileya spoke “Your attitude is what has made our extinction loom so closely. We must realise that humans are highly developed, and feel things very deeply. Perhaps if we had allowed ourselves to have more feelings we would not be in this horrific situation. Humans make beautiful art, music, architecture, materials, gardens. I could go on and on. Your problem is that you are so closed minded you have not learned anything from either the Escorii, who have lived with us for thousands of years, or the humans who will save our race!”
As Ileya sat down, the Queen asked Jo if she had anything else she wanted to say, so taking a deep breath she said “While we are talking about uncomfortable things, there is one thing that was pointed out to me by a girl who has been here for over six years. Your young males have no mates, and you have not allowed them to have any of the girls you have brought here in case they damaged them. You think that they can’t control themselves.
When I questioned the Chomanay female about the young soldier, she told me that he was nice and kind and didn’t hurt her. I don’t know if you all know about the Ghorans and also what your males get up to on other planets. It was suggested to me, by the girl I talked about, that you should bring here, human females who have the same profession as the Ghorans. She pointed out that professional prostitutes would quickly teach your young men how to treat a girl, I think that we should look into that possibility”.
All the females sat open mouthed in complete silence. Then one asked what were the Ghorans, so Ileya stood up and explained. There were gasps and some said that it couldn’t be true, how disgusting, and males are the weakest creatures ever known. Ileya banged on the table and told them all to stop pretending they knew nothing about a male’s desires.
Then the Queen stood up and they all went quiet, “It is time to admit that this council is out of step with the needs of our planet. Myself, I would do and allow anything that will save us. Jo-Anna is new to our planet but she has recognised our weak points, and bravely pointed them out. She has spoken fluently about how it feels to be kept prisoner and raped but has shown her strength of mind by forgiving us and wanting to assist us in our endeavour to avoid extinction. I think that the matters she has raised should be approved and it should be left to Lord Acorus how he implements these orders when he returns to earth. Now we vote on contraception”.
All but the usual two raised their hands.
“Next, a human to travel on our star ship”.
Again the two voted no.
“Lastly the setting up of human prostitutes to teach our young men”.
All but two voted yes!
“Now I declare this meeting closed, thank you for attending”.
Turning to Jo and Ileya, the Queen asked them to accompany her to her private quarters. Jo walked beside the Queen and Ileya followed on her scooter. As they walked the Queen tucked an arm into Jo’s and said “Jo-Anna we are sisters now so in private I would like you to call me Andea. You have impressed me and I am looking forward to teaching you all you need to know about Scerior. We will have fun together; tell me was it Kylie who suggested the prostitutes?”
Hiding her surprise Jo answered “Yes it was her idea. Do you know her and how did you know it was her?”
“I don’t know her personally; I believe she is very nervous. Acorus told me about her terrible life on Earth”.
“Do you think it’s a good idea?” Jo asked.
“Yes I do, although I think it might be tricky to organise”.
“The idea is that they will organise themselves. They will be better off doing that here than working for some pimp on Earth”.
Andea frowned “Pimp? I do not know that word”.
“It means a man who promises to protect them if the girls give them money” Jo explained “Quite often they beat them up and get them on drugs, so the girls will do anything to get them. Surely your authorities must stop this”?
“They try to, but it is so widespread, all over Earth. Sometimes they are sold into what is called, the white slave trade and then, they just disappear” All the bad points about Earth suddenly hit Jo and she sighed sadly.
“Well, it would never happen here. Our world is run so that everybody has a good life. Any problems are placed before the Council and immediately sorted out” Andea couldn’t understand the dark sides of life on Earth.
“You have to remember, here you are all one people and are counted in millions. On Earth there are numerous races counted in trillions. Not so easy to manage especially as neighbour can hate neighbour” Jo pointed out.
“Why would neighbours hate each other?” Andea asked in surprise.
“Oh dear, a lot of it goes back centuries, and now a lot of it is about religion” Jo was getting out of her depth now.
“I have heard about religion. But what I can’t understand is why you have so many gods” Andea was now out of her depth in her understanding about Earth.
“I think you need to talk to someone a lot cleverer than me” Jo sighed.
Pausing before a beautifully carved door Andea waited for the, Escorii escorting them, to open it. Entering the apartment Jo was amazed to see Acorus taking his ease on one of the luxurious multi cushioned couches. When they were seen Acorus and another Sceriae male stood up.
“Oh good, you’re still here” and going to Acorus, Andea kissed him. Seeing Jo frown, Andea laughed and said “Jo-Anna, I think I ought to tell you that Acorus is my brother. That is why I called you sister!”
Jo looked at them in surprise; cross that he hadn’t informed her that he was royal. Andea turned to the other Sceriae and said “Pensus, my dear, may I present you to Acorus’s mate, Lady Jo-Anna. Pensus is my mate and my rock”.
Pensus moved towards Jo, bowed and taking her hand kissed it saying “It is a great pleasure to meet you. Acorus has told me much about you” his eyes twinkled with delight at her blush.
“Come sit down, have some refreshment” Andea pointed to the couches “Ileya, do you need help? You look very tired”.
Ileya bowed from the waist, not getting off her scooter “If you will excuse me, Andea, I would be grateful to return to my quarters. I am very tired; some on the Council attack my patience and wear me out”.
“Of course Ileya, you must not push yourself so much” Andea went to Ileya and kissed her cheek.
Acorus immediately went to her and said that he would escort her. To which Ileya answered that he must stay as they had so much to discuss. Turning to Jo she asked if they could meet the next day, to which Jo answered, of course. Then she said that she would send the vehicle and the guards back for Jo and Acorus.
When she had gone Acorus pulled Jo down next to him and Andea and Pensus sat on the other couch. Refreshments were laid out on the table and Pensus poured a drink for Jo and Andea. Acorus asked what had happened when he left the meeting. Andea told him what Jo had said causing Pensus to choke on his drink. Andea slapped him on his back and continued talking to Acorus saying “Your Jo-Anna is very forceful and all her suggestions were passed”.
“All” Acorus raised his eyebrows “They agreed to the pills?”
Pensus laughed and said “I must put my order in fast. My girls become pregnant so quickly I hardly ever get to mate with them!”
Jo’s mouth dropped open, and Andea laughed loudly “You two disgusting walking penises have shocked our new sister. Shame on you, get your mind back into your heads and out of your pants!”
Jo was so shocked she didn’t know what to do or say. Acorus was laughing at her but he said “You two behave yourselves. Jo doesn’t know you well enough to understand your wickedness”.
Pensus was doubled up with laughter and when Andea slapped him it made him even worse. Pulling her to him he buried his face in her hair. She said to Jo “Excuse us please. As you must realise Pensus is still a child. I only keep him because he amuses me”.
Pensue chuckled “And because I mate well!” Acorus held up his hand and told him to stop; Jo had had enough stress for one day.
“You are looking very surprised Jo. Did you not think we Sceriae can joke about mating? We take each other for life, although our females find that we do not want to mate very often in fact only to have young. Our males can persuade us to mate for their enjoyment; it really depends on the female and how much she likes the male. As I am barren, I never want to mate, but I enjoy Pensus’s company and try to make him happy, because he makes me happy all the time” Andea turned and kissed Pensus’ nose.
Speaking slowly Jo said” I’m not surprised at what you said, but in Britain our royal family are very correct and careful about how they behave. Of course, I don’t know how they are in private, they probably do joke with each other. Actually I like it that you are so human” Then realising what she had said, she laughed, “I never thought I’d say that about the ‘monsters’ who abducted me!”
There was silence for a second, then Andea asked “You thought we were monsters?”
“I’m afraid so. The Escorii were shocking enough, but when I saw Acorus and his soldiers in their body armour, they looked just like the monsters that we watch in our horror films. When I thought I was being brought here to mate with one I honestly thought I would die first” Jo looked at Acorus, laughed and said “Then he took off his armour and frightened me even more!”
It was Acorus’s turn to choke and Andea and Pensus teased him mercilessly. Then they settled down to work out how to go about all the things that Jo had suggested. The main thing Jo wanted to sort out was having a human on the star ship to help lesson the girl’s fears. The question came up about who would be suitable, and that was Jo’s opportunity. She put forward that she would be the perfect choice.
Acorus immediately vetoed the idea, pointing out that she was pregnant and easily tired.
Jo argued that she would be able to rest on the ship, exactly as she could on Scerior.
She would have the Escorii to look after her, and as one day she would be Queen, she could talk to the girls with authority as well as sympathy.
To her surprise Pensus backed her up, as well as Andea. She could see that Acorus was furious and knew that he would take her task later, but she was adamant that she wanted to go to Earth with him. She also pointed out that as he was leaving the day after tomorrow there was no time to find the perfect human, At least she had met the Queen and Council and promised that she would be guided by Acorus and the Escorii. After all the Escorii had more to do with the girls than any of the Sceriae.
Pensus crudely said that he doubted whether the Escorii knew the girls more than the Sceriae males.
“I’m not talking about sex with a girl who has no choice” snapped Jo “I’m talking about how they think about things and nothing can be hidden from the Escorii as you should know”.
Pensus held up his hands “Whoa, I surrender. Remember, I am on your side” then in an aside to Acorus “I’m glad that you got this one, I fear she would be too much for me!”
Andea stepped in telling him to behave himself or she would send him to Earth with Acorus, that should calm him down, no mating for a month!
Then she told Acorus that Jo was right. She was the obvious choice. Acorus was furious, but sighed and bit his lip glowering at Jo “If I am overruled then I must insist that you do exactly as you are told at all times. If I think that you are tired you will rest”.
Smiling sweetly at him Jo said “Don’t I always do as you tell me?”
Andea burst out laughing, saying “You asked for this female, Acorus. It is your own fault”
“Sister, as always I bow to your command. It is time Jo retired, it has been a tiring day Thank you for your hospitality” and Acorus stood up pulling Jo with him. Kissing Andea on the lips, he saluted Pensus and said “I will have my revenge on you, at our next training session”.
Pensus saluted, lifting his eyebrows mockingly. Acorus led Jo out of Adea’s apartment, and as they got into the black vehicle, he bent over her and said “I will sort you out at home!”