[1] Ken Ham and Britt Beemer, Already Gone (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2009), p. 107.
[2] It wasn't until Genesis 9:3 that mankind was permitted to eat meat.
[3] For a more technical discussion of this topic, see: Genesis 2:17 — "you shall surely die," Dr. Terry Mortenson, Answers in Genesis website, May 2, 2007: http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/2007/05/02/dying-you-shall-die.
[4] Keith Krell, "The Spread of the Nations: Genesis 10:1–11:26," http://bible.org/seriespage/spread-nations-genesis-101-1126 (accessed Sep. 16, 2010).
[5] The Lord did protect Cain by placing a mark on him to prevent others from taking his life. After the Flood, things changed.
[6] F. Brown, S. Driver, and C. Briggs, The Brown-Driver-Brigg Hebrew and English Lexicon, 9th printing (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 2005), p. 773.
[7] Leviticus 11:41–43 excludes other insects (i.e., those that walk on six legs, arachnids, and myriapods).
[8] Ken Ham, editor, The New Answers Book 1 (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2006), p. 72–73.
[9] A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy (New York: Harper San Francisco, 1992).
[10] Dr. John Gill, Exposition of the Entire Bible, commentary notes, 2 Chronicles 22:2, http://gill.biblecommenter.com.
[11] Dr. Floyd Jones, Chronology of the Old Testament (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2005), p. 139–141.
[12] Ibid., p. 140, emphasis in original.
[13] G. Miller, "Septuagint," A Christian Thinktank, http://www.christian-thinktank.com/alxx.html, January 30, 1995.
[14] J. McDowell, The New Evidence that Demand a Verdict (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1999), p. 77; J. McDowell, A Ready Defense (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1993), p. 48.
[15] B. Edwards, Nothing But the Truth (Darlington, UK: Evangelical Press, 2006), p. 248.
[16] "Peshitta," Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peshitta, accessed December 15, 2008. There have been reports that the date is slightly later (3rd or 4th centuries) but it is still far earlier than A.D. 900.
[17] "Saadia Gaon," Jewish Virtual Library, http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/SaadiaGaon.html, accessed December 15, 2008.
[18] Dr. John Gill, Exposition of the Entire Bible, commentary notes, 2 Chronicles 22:2, http://gill.biblecommenter.com.
[19] For a more detailed history of the Bible in English please see Donald Brake, A Visual History of the English Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2008).
[20] Erasmus 1516, Bibliography of Textual Criticism, http://www.bible-researcher.com/bib-e.html, accessed December 15, 2008.
[21] Douglas Kutilek, "Westcott and Hort vs. Textus Receptus: Which Is Superior?" May 24, 1996, reprinted at http://www.bible-researcher.com/kutilek1.html, accessed December 15, 2008.
[22] J. McDowell, A Ready Defense (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1993), p. 43.
[23] New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Revised) (Brooklyn, NY: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and the International Bible Students Association, 1984), p. 5.
[24] See, for example, John Haley, Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible (New Kensington, PA, Whitaker House, 2004), p. 396.
[25] W. Harold Mare, "The Smallest Mustard Seed — Matthew 13:32," Grace Theological Journal 9.3 (1968): 3–11; online here: http://faculty.gordon.edu/hu/bi/ted_hildebrandt/NTeSources/NTArticles/GTJ-NT/Mare-MatMustard-GTJ-68.htm.
[26] Evangelicals have pointed out other explanations for this alleged contradiction. But for the sake of brevity, we went with the most common satisfactory explanation.
[27] http://www.answersingenesis.org/get-answers/v/recent/k/trinity.
[28] "What Does God Require of Us?" (Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, 2006), section 11.
[29] J.C. Ryle, Expository Thoughts on John, vol. 3, (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1987 edition), p. 102.
[30] See Calvin's complete commentary on John 14:25–28.
[31] Note on Luke 3:36, in: John Gill, D.D., An Exposition of the Old and New Testament; The Whole Illustrated with Notes, Taken from the Most Ancient Jewish Writings (London: printed for Mathews and Leigh, 18 Strand, by W. Clowes, Northumberland-Court, 1809). Edited, revised, and updated by Larry Pierce, 1994–1995 for The Word CD-ROM. Available online at http://eword.gospelcom.net/comments/luke/gill/luke3.htm.
[32] Matthew Slick, Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry website, "How Long Was Jesus Dead in the Tomb?" http://www.carm.org/diff/Matt12_40.htm.
[33] Matthew Slick, Col. 1:15, "firstborn of all creation," Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry website, http://www.carm.org/religious-movements/jehovahs-witnesses/col-115-firstborn-all-creation.
[34] In reality, it more like lying to keep them from going to a work camp — at least that is what most thought anyway. Few lay people within the Nazi empire were aware of what was going on behind the scenes at some camps, particularly the six death camps. Most knew they were working in slave-like conditions in work camps or concentration camps though — they could only speculate on the extent of what was going on.
[35] This does not mean that atrocities such as genocide are acceptable. These atrocities should be opposed as well, in keeping with the Word of God.