AGM-45 Shrike air-to-ground homing missile with 150-pound warhead
AGM-62 Walleye air-to-ground guided missile with 825-pound warhead
AGM-78 Standard ARM (Anti-Radiation Missile) with 215-pound warhead
AIM-7 Sparrow air-to-air radar homing missile
AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air heat seeking missile
ALQ pods externally-mounted electronic warfare jamming pods
alpha strike large-scale airstrike against a fixed target
Arc Light B-52 carpet bombing mission
armed recce roaming air reconnaissance patrol seeking out targets of opportunity
Atoll missile Soviet air-to-air missile used by MiG-21s that was a Soviet copy of the U.S. AIM-9 Sidewinder missile
Buff Air Force nickname for the B-52 Stratofortress; Big Ugly Fat Fellow/F*cker
CAG Carrier Air Group commander; senior officer in charge of all squadrons aboard an aircraft carrier. Term was retained even after Navy changed from Carrier Air Groups to Carrier Air Wings.
chaff thin strips of aluminum or coated fiberglass disbursed by aircraft to confuse enemy radar and weapons guidance systems
CVW Carrier Air Wing; composed of all squadrons assigned to an aircraft carrier. Every aircraft carrier had its own unique numbered air wing, i.e., CVW-2, under command of a CAG.
DMZ demilitarized zone dividing North and South Vietnam
ECM electronic countermeasures
EOGB electro-optically guided bomb, also called television-guided bombs
Iron Hand SAM suppression mission
LGB laser-guided bomb
MACV Military Assistance Command Vietnam; established 1962
MK-20 Rockeye cluster bomb
MK-36 DST Modified MK-82 500-pound bomb for use as an aerial delivered magnetic-triggered Destructor mine
MK-52 Specially designed 1,000-pound-class air-laid sea mine with acoustic, magnetic, and pressure trigger settings
MK-81 250-pound bomb
MK-82 500-pound bomb
MK-82 Snakeye 500-pound bomb equipped with stabilizing fins for low level bombing
MK-83 1,000-pound bomb
MK-84 2,000-pound bomb
M117 Air Force 750-pound bomb
M118 Air Force 3,000-pound bomb
Barrel Roll
Northern Laos operating area; part of U.S. interdiction effort
Commando Hunt
Southern Laos interdiction effort against the Ho Chi Minh Trail
Igloo White
Airborne sowing of more than 20,000 seismic and acoustic sensors along the Ho Chi Minh Trail to detect enemy movements
secret bombing of Cambodia in 1970
Paveway Precision avionics vectoring system that attached to normal 2,000 or 3,000-pound bomb to become a laser-guide munition
POL petroleum, oil, and lubricants
Red Crown Call sign for the Navy’s Positive Identification Radar Advisory Zone ship in the Gulf of Tonkin tasked with monitoring and reporting enemy air movements in real time.
Route Package Also called Route Pack. A geographic operating area of North Vietnam; numbered I to V plus VI A and VI B.
SA-2 Soviet-made Guideline surface-to-air missile
SA-7 Soviet-made Strela handheld, portable surface-to-air missile
SAM surface-to-air missile
Shrike air-to-ground homing missile with 150-pound warhead; officially AGM-45
SW strategic wing (Air Force)
TEWS tactical electronic warfare squadron (Air Force)
TF-77 Task Force 77; naval carrier task force component of Seventh Fleet
TFS tactical fighter squadron (Air Force)
TFW tactical fighter wing (Air Force)
TRW tactical reconnaissance wing (Air Force)
VA attack squadron (Navy)
VF fighter squadron (Navy)
VNAF Republic of Vietnam Air Force (South Vietnam)
VPAF Vietnamese People’s Air Force (North Vietnam)
Walleye air-to-ground guided missile with 825-pound warhead; officially AGM-62
Wild Weasel F-105G and F-4C air defense suppression and radar jamming aircraft (Air Force)
Yankee Station Codename for Navy carrier operating point in the Gulf of Tonkin that supported air operations in North Vietnam, Laos, and South Vietnam.