Lashings of lust curved up by Nigella

I get the sneaking suspicion—and I’m quite happy to be proven wrong here—that a large portion of the sisterhood isn’t all that keen on Nigella Lawson. We like food, certainly. Some of us are also partial to boobies, and innuendo, and ladies with big, round bottoms, but even then Nigella seems to make selected members of the wymmyn’s network slightly suspicious.

Perhaps it’s the chocolatey vowels and habit of rolling herself all over the preparation space in a fashion that would be considered deeply unhygienic by most food and safety officers. Perhaps it’s the overly posh “grahnd piahno and plahstic bahgs” business. It could even be the high-waisted trou. Most of all, though, I’m guessing what many folk get their knickers slightly twisted about is the heavy lashings of sauce. And I’m not referring to the lady’s condiments pantry.

The unadulterated in-your-face smorgasbord of sexuality—for let us not pretend for a moment Nigella Feasts is anything but—is on display from the opening credits. A pair of lusty red animated lips opens up and makes good work of a glistening cherry. A curvaceous lemon is lustily sliced in two. A line of asparagus spears stand firm and erect, presumably awaiting a thorough blanching.

There’s absolutely no escaping the orgiastic celebration of pulsating lust. Even in moments of idle chitchat Nigella sounds as though she’s moments away from opening the door to a team of rowdy sailors looking for rumpo and giving them a full oil and lube. “I find it really … hard …” she breathes, gazing longingly into the lens, before throwing in as an almost whispered verbal postscript, “… to zest citrus fruit”. “OOOOH, JUICY JUICY!” she climaxes later still, when a wayward lime threatens to drench the camera crew with its pulpy innards. By the time she gets elbow-deep into kneading some raw lamb mince you’ll be forced to cover the eyes of your children and lead them from the room with firm instructions to go directly to bed with a cold wash cloth. Why Nigella doesn’t just cut out the middleman and strip naked while pounding the mince into submission with her buttocks is beyond me. At the very least it would lay down a not uninteresting gauntlet to Kylie Kwong.

Anyway, all that innuendo and trite “tee hee, we’re so naughty in the kitchen together” business shouldn’t work, it really shouldn’t. It’s too needy; too in-your-face and wanting to be fondled, like your year 11 art teacher who perhaps shouldn’t be let loose around teenage boys after one too many rum babas at the school formal. Who among us not attending Sex Addicts Anonymous actually describes yoghurt as “voluptuous”, or employs the idiotic term “stir as if you meant it”? I wanted to write Lawson off as an oversexed dandy with a bitching shelf and leave her to her sticky, dollybird kitchen and seductively shiny accoutrements. I wanted to denounce the lame celebrity chef phenomenon and turn my back on school marm-ly British femmes with wealthy husbands and a penchant for nosh. But I couldn’t.

Oh lordy, I submitted. Completely. Before 10 minutes had passed in last week’s Lebanese feasting episode, I was helplessly drawn in. By all of it. Her sharp, delectable nose, the way she fondled her aubergine. I’ve never wanted to be a portion of aubergine so much in my life, not counting the time I accidentally swallowed a tablet of dishwashing powder and thought my name was Vanguard the Invincible for three days. Nigella’s perfect pink fingers, and the way she picked at pinenuts, or sifted “fat flakes of salt”, absolutely did my head in. By the time she took her perky woven basket and strode off to the market to buy pistachios I was ready to chase her along the street and climb on for a patootie ride like Robert Crumb. She simply reduces the viewer to the most base of emotions—lust, hunger, the urge to take a sizeable bite from her backside. I have no idea how. I can’t cook to save my life and have absolutely no interest in learning, and even still I plan to tune in to Nigella Feasts until the day I die.

It’s just that she’s so deliciously plummy. The cool, collected kitchen, the blush of peachy V at her decolletage, the milky British sunlight setting her wicked self aglow as she artfully creates gastronomic warfare. She’s prim and proper and “let’s all have a jolly nice afternoon playing hockey” while simultaneously undressing celery sticks with her eyes. It’s like being tied up with leather straps and flogged by Enid Blyton.

So forgive me for capitulating to what is essentially a cheap grab at the audience groin. I’m base and repulsive, I know. The question begs asking, though—if the Nigella Feasts producers are going to push this panting, licky-licky she-beast upon us in such blatantly rabid style, why not go the whole hog and dress her in a pair of polka-dot knickers and sequinned nipple tassels? I’d tape every episode.

God, she’s fantastically obscene. Someone come and hose me down; I’m on fire like Bruce Springsteen self-immolating.