Excerpt from The Official Residents’ Guide to Moon Base Alpha, “Appendix A: Potential Health and Safety Hazards,” © 2040 by National Aeronautics and Space Administration:
Sadly, the most likely cause of pain or injury at MBA is one our engineers can do nothing about: your fellow humans. Statistically, you are much more likely to get hurt by another person than by any equipment malfunction or random disaster. While all lunarnauts were selected in part for their amiability, agreeability, and skill at getting along with others, living with other humans in an enclosed space over an extended period of time has the potential to lead to disagreements, arguments, and even physical violence. Therefore, all lunarnauts are encouraged to work extra hard at resolving interpersonal conflicts—should they arise—as calmly and peacefully as possible. For help with any conflicts that cannot be resolved in this way, lunarnauts are advised to seek the aid of the moon-base commander for mediation. The base psychiatrist is also available for aid in these matters.
It is in everyone’s interest to not allow disagreements to escalate to the point of violence, as not only you and your opponent could be injured, but innocent bystanders as well. So please, do your best to be good citizens at MBA and try to get along with everyone. It won’t merely be good for your physical health—it will do wonders for your mental health as well!