G.C.B., K.B.B., D.S.O., D.F.C., A.F.C.

ICOMMEND this book to those who prize the qualities of courage and patriotism and like to read about the deeds of brave people. It gives an excellent account of the work of the Underground Movement in Denmark during the Second World War, and recounts a story the telling of which has been long overdue.

I am glad it has been written because now it can be handed down to posterity and future generations will read with pride about the gallant work of the Danish Resistance during the long years of the German occupation of their homeland. Memories are short and now that the Danes no longer celebrate the liberation of their country, those who were unborn or not old enough to remember the German occupation might never realize what their forbears endured and fought for, so that they might enjoy the full fruits of freedom and live according to the Danish way of life.

I hope this book will be widely read in England and the United States because so little is known about the work of the Resistance Movements in Europe, yet they played an important role against the Axis Powers and made a major contribution to our ultimate victory.

Work in the Resistance called for cold blooded courage and a high code of honour. If caught in action or even suspected of working for the Resistance, prisoners would be subjected to the ordeal of prolonged interrogation by the Gestapo, accompanied by threats of violence and quite often terrible torture in an endeavour to make them give information about their comrades and the organization for which they worked. When this happened, as it often did, the easiest and longed for avenue of escape was death.

Just imagine working under such conditions—with the anxiety and fear of capture never far removed from their minds—and with the knowledge that their families and relations might be the subject of reprisal. Yet these people never wavered in their duty and carried on year after year—so that by the end of the war the Resistance Movement in Denmark had grown into a large organization and was a direct threat to the German forces of occupation.

One of my happiest memories of the war was my association with certain members of the Danish Resistance Movement and the small part I was able to take in their support.