Previously: The ship of the Argonauts arrived at Lemnos, the island of women, and it almost did not leave again! Yet now it is sailing once more towards the land of the Golden Fleece.

The journey was progressing well. The rowers were joyful, the air was pure and the sky very blue. Jason was happy to be the leader of this band of jovial and brave companions. The sea did not scare them. This is how the Argo arrived at the country of the Doliones. A long strip of land protruded into the sea and a harbour had been built there. The king of the country came to greet them himself. He was richly dressed, for this was his wedding day. “Be welcome, and come with me to enjoy yourselves!” he said to Jason and his friends, leading them all the way to his wedding banquet. Only Heracles remained on board to keep watch on the ship. All along the way to the king’s palace, Jason could not stop looking at an imposing black mountain which towered above them not too far away. He remembered the words of the old oak: “Beware of the black shadows.” “You seem somewhat preoccupied,” said the king, astonished. “This black mountain will not harm you in the least, for no harm will come to you in my house.” Jason threw back his long hair, took a deep breath and chased away his dark thoughts. The wedding celebrations were magnificent.

Night had fallen on the small harbour. Heracles had dozed off on the ship’s deck. He did not see the enormous shadows, which now crept in the town’s streets, approach. It was as though these Giants had emerged from the belly of the black mountain. They were walking slowly towards the ship. The whole town was revelling at the palace, the streets were deserted. Only one young Argonaut, called Hylas, sneaked out of the palace just then. He was Heracles’ equerry and the affection they had for one another was so great that the young boy had decided to leave the banquet to go and keep Heracles company. He was bringing him an amphora of wine to drink. When he saw these enormous creeping masses passing in front of him, Hylas barely had enough time to shrink back so as not to get squashed. The hair on his head stood on end! These Giants had six arms each. They were horrid to look at, and they were walking towards the harbour. In spite of his fear, Hylas pressed against the walls and hurried to reach the ship before the Giants did. Fortunately for him, it was a moonless night. He jumped on the ship’s deck just as the first Giant arrived. Quickly, he woke up Heracles: “Pick up your club! We are being attacked by an army of Giants!” he yelled. Heracles woke up with a start, sprang to his feet and without a moment’s thought began to swirl his club in front of him. It smashed the skull of the first Giant, who was getting ready to clamber aboard the ship. Heracles knocked out the Giants one by one, without even giving them the time to move their horrid arms. Soon the ship’s deck was covered with Giants. Hylas, horrified, ran to the palace to warn Jason. But by the time the Argonauts arrived, Heracles had already won the combat. Piles of Giants were lying on the ground.

Before everyone’s stupefied eyes, Heracles simply said: “I am feeling a little peckish now, to be honest; you wouldn’t happen to have something for me to eat?”

The king and his subjects burst out with joy: the Giants of the black mountain had been vanquished for the first time.

“Why didn’t you warn us of the existence of these monsters?” asked Jason, bewildered.

“Please do not hold it against me,” the king apologized, “but we like receiving guests so very much! And no one ever dares to pay us a visit because of these Giants, who attack all strangers. I was afraid that you would have left in a hurry… The Giants caused us no harm, but they have prevented us from receiving passing guests for a great many centuries now.”

After many days of feasting with the Doliones, the Argo took to the sea once more.

To be continued…