
1.  As Menno and Anna Hostetler struggle with the pain of Susan’s leaving, is Menno correct in insisting that Susan be allowed to find her own way home?

2.  Do you think Anna would have gained anything by a trip to Asbury Park to plead with Susan that she return?

3.  Do you think Robby secretly desires a deeper relationship with Susan beyond their friendship?

4.  Is Susan wise in making cautious choices of Englisha clothing and accessories, or should she have taken bold steps into her new lifestyle?

5.  Did Menno’s troubled state of mind over Susan’s absence contribute to the barn fire he started and the hog injury to his grandchild, Jonas? If so, to what degree?

6.  Should Menno have allowed Anna to write Susan, advising her to make a visit home due to Jonas’s injuries?

7.  Do you think Teresa had reasons for the request that her baby be adopted by an Amish person beyond the ones she stated?

8.  Did Susan make a wise decision in pursing the purse snatcher?

9.  What are your expectations for Teresa as she plans to travel home to the community with Susan? Beyond Susan’s mamm and daett, will she be as welcomed as a newcomer or will the community be suspicious of Teresa?

10. Is Thomas’s trip to Asbury Park in pursuit of Susan evidence that he has changed his ways? Will he seek reconciliation with Susan when he returns?