Chapter Twenty


It was seventy-four degrees in the west corner of Maui, typical for July. Gia liked the even temperatures of these summer tournaments. There was something motivating about them that made her fight that much harder to win. If the conditions were ideal, her surfing should be, too. And while winning was nice, it was not her top priority for the trip. She had her sights set on another goal: taking control of her life, instead of letting her life control her. She just needed to talk to Elle, convince her of the same.

Gia knew in her heart they belonged together, and if she had to sacrifice to make that a reality, she was ready to do that. She only hoped Elle would be willing to do the same.

The tournament had gotten off to a positive start. Gia had easily advanced through rounds one and two. Elle had crushed them. She was unstoppable lately, which made Gia keep her distance. She wanted more than anything to talk with Elle right away, to confess all, but she knew the ramifications it could have on Elle’s tournament performance.

She’d simply have to wait. Even if it killed her.

Instead of talking to Elle, she watched her, attended every heat, and cheered her on each step of the way. She’d glanced up at the competitors’ reserved section during her own heats, but Elle hadn’t made an appearance. Given what they’d decided—no distractions—it made sense. It didn’t stop her from hoping.

Midweek, they ran into each other in the lobby of a café attached to the resort. Gia had agreed to have dinner with one of the surfers on the tour, Sasha Christianson, to catch up and hang out. Elle was there with her media manager.

“Hey, you,” Elle said, as they waited to be seated.

Gia smiled. “Hi. Congrats on such a great showing.”

“Yeah, well, you’re not doing so bad yourself.” The words trailed off, the conversation finished, but their eye contact held. So many unspoken words passed between them in that moment. Gia felt just as connected to Elle as ever. She longed to reach for her, to trash their respective dinner plans and eat together, talk for hours, and maybe sneak away to her room later, just the two of them. What she wouldn’t give to do just that.

Elle’s table was ready. “You two enjoy your meal,” she said to Gia and Sasha. She looked back once over her shoulder at Gia as she walked, and every part of Gia went warm. She blinked. She longed for Elle, but she could be patient. She could do this.

The next day, Gia and Elle both cruised into the semis in a glorious showing but faced off against different opponents. Elle brought in a solid 14.5 to advance to the finals. If she won there, she’d end the year as world champion, which had Gia tingling with excitement for her at just the idea. In many ways, she wanted Elle to take the tournament for that very reason, her own results be damned. This was huge!

A day later, Gia went down in the semis against Lindy Ives, who would now challenge Elle for the top spot in a finals heat not to be missed. Gia took the loss in stride, keeping her eye on the bigger picture. She’d had a great time surfing that week and had so much more to look forward to. What would have once crushed her was just another day at the office. The new outlook was a wonderful weight off her shoulders, and she wondered now why it had taken her so long to get here. She could definitely get used to this and realized, suddenly, she’d found the joy of the sport all over again.

This year’s world title would literally come down to who took the final heat, Elle Britton or Lindy Ives. The media was having a field day with the matchup, recounting the careers of each and what brought them to this final showdown. The entire resort was tied up with ribbons of anticipation. Gia’s heart was in her throat just thinking about it. She was nervous as hell. This was everything for Elle, and for Gia by default.

The next time she saw Elle was in the lobby that night. Her gaze was pulled to Elle like a magnet, and the beauty she saw stole her breath. Elle wore a black cocktail dress and was clearly headed out for a nice evening. Her hair was pulled partially back, with blond layered on blond, cascading down her back. With her clutch bag in hand, she paused when she saw Gia, who felt drab compared to Elle, in just jeans and a zip-up hoodie.

“You’re off somewhere important,” Gia said as they neared each other. They exchanged a smile and Gia shook her head in wonder. Elle radiated in that dress. It came in at the waist and dipped just low enough in front, not to mention the glamorous addition of the high heels and diamond earrings. The way she looked, Gia was confident Elle’s photo would headline every sports gossip site by morning. Rightfully so.

Elle sighed. “Rip Curl is hosting a party for its team of surfers and a string of VIPs.”

“Those tend to be fun.”

“Yeah,” Elle said, unconvincingly. “I hope so.”

“Congratulations on the finals. I’m thrilled for you, Elle. It’s yours tomorrow. There is no doubt in my mind.”

“Thank you.” A pause. Elle met her gaze. “Will you be staying for the heat?”

Gia smiled. “I wouldn’t miss it for anything.” They stared at each other until Gia finally remembered herself. This wasn’t the time for that. “You have a good night, Elle.”

“Yeah. You, too.”

Gia headed to the elevator, all set for her own very wild night of flipping through the local stations and ordering in. Maybe a pizza. She was done for the season. She could indulge with a few extra carbs. As the elevator doors closed, she pressed the button for her floor and waited, watching the numbers above the door. Only they didn’t move, nor did the elevator.

Instead the doors slid opened and Elle stepped inside. “This is stupid,” she said.

“The party?” Gia asked, confused. What was happening? The doors closed behind Elle, and the elevator kicked into action, taking them to the eighteenth floor, just as Gia had requested. Gia squinted at her, perplexed.

“Not the party,” Elle said, clearly worked up. She gestured between them. “This. Us. What we’re doing. It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever been a part of, and I refuse to be ridiculous anymore.”

“What does that mean?” But underneath, she knew. God, she knew.

“I love you,” Elle said quietly.

Gia blinked, not quite believing what was happening. That Elle had just said the words before she’d even had a chance to lay out her case for them. The doors to the elevator slid open, revealing Gia’s hallway, but neither one of them moved. The gravity of the moment outweighed all else. The doors closed again, and the elevator continued climbing to who knew where.

Elle shifted nervously. “Do you have anything to say to that? Tell me I’m crazy or that that ship has already sailed? I can take it. I just need to hear where your head is so I can breathe again.”

“I love you so much,” Gia said, her heart racing, her emotions bubbling to the surface. “That’s what I have to say to that. I couldn’t stop loving you if I tried, and I did try.”

Elle closed her eyes as if to savor the words. “That’s all I needed to hear.”

The elevator opened and a group of teenagers stepped forward. Elle held up a hand. “I’m so very sorry, but this elevator’s going in for service. We’ll send another.” She pressed the button and closed the doors again.

“Maybe we should table this discussion. You’ve gotta keep your head clear,” Gia said. “What about the finals?”

“They don’t mean as much to me as you do.” Elle closed the distance between them, pressed her entire body up against Gia’s, and wrapped her arms around her neck. Everything in Gia’s being cried out, her body no longer hers in the midst of their contact. She sucked in a breath as Elle continued. “Win or lose, the most important thing is that you’re waiting there when it’s all over. I’m sorry I didn’t realize that sooner.”

“That’s all I want, too.” Gia’s arms slid around Elle’s waist, holding her in place. “So maybe instead of calling me Two, you’ll call me Six.”

“Six has a nice ring. Maybe I’ll be Four.”

Gia closed one eye. “I don’t know about that. Four is ranked higher than six, so…”

Elle stared for a long moment into Gia’s eyes, then kissed her thoroughly, expertly, her hands sliding into Gia’s hair and angling her mouth for better access. Their tongues danced, and Gia’s body thrummed pleasantly. The door to the elevators opened yet again, this time to the lobby, Gia realized distantly. Moments later, a flashbulb went off. They laughed in the midst of the kiss but didn’t stop. Wouldn’t. Even with guests now piling into the elevator.

“Can someone hit eighteen?” Gia murmured against Elle’s mouth. She couldn’t be bothered to. She was too busy kissing the woman she loved.


* * *


It had to be close to midnight, Elle thought, as she traced the line of Gia’s collarbone, placing soft kisses along the way. She never got tired of touching her, looking at her. They lay facing each other, cheeks on pillows, spent from their long-overdue reunion. She closed her eyes and smiled, because what a satisfying reunion it had been. In every delectable way. Her body still sensitive to every wonderful thing Gia had done to it.

“We should get some sleep,” Gia said, tickling Elle’s bare shoulder with one finger. “You have a big afternoon tomorrow.”

“We should get some sleep. That part’s true. But I’m afraid if I close my eyes, you’ll be gone. All of this will have just been a wonderful dream.”

“I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” Gia kissed her. “Excited for tomorrow?”

“Damn straight.” She sighed. “I really want this one. I’ll go out there and do my best, and whatever is meant to happen will happen. And then we’ll go back to California together. That last part’s decided, by the way. I’m switching my flight to yours.”

“Or I can switch mine.”

“Or that.” Elle slipped a hand between Gia’s legs. “Maybe just one more time? I’ll work fast.”

Gia gasped at the touch she instinctually moved into. “Your never-ending appetite still amazes me. Oh, wow.” Her eyes fluttered closed and she sucked in a breath. “Yes. Right there.”

“Get used to it. I think you’re stuck with me.”

“Can I quote you on that?” Gia asked as she grabbed a fistful of the bedsheet.

Elle slid down the bed. “I’ll send out a whole damn press release.”


* * *


Gia surveyed the finals crowd as she took her seat. All those eager faces waiting for the same thing, to find out who would be this year’s world champion. Some wore sunglasses and bikini tops, others carried giant signs that cheered on their competitor of choice. They all had one thing in common, a deep and abiding love of the sport. In the midst of competition, Gia sometimes forgot that pure-hearted enthusiasm. She felt it in full force today and made a vow to never forget again.

After a few standard announcements, the clock started, and the heat was under way. Gia rolled her shoulders, more nervous than if she were the one surfing.

Elle drew first blood with long walls stretching out ahead of her, the perfect canvas for her turn out. Her back foot drove way off the traction pad, allowing her to pick up speed and power. She leapt off her board, missing the exit, but overall, it had been a decent enough ride It would pull a solid number from the judges. Gia allowed herself to take a fortifying breath. This was good. This was a step in the right direction.

Lindy was up next and no shrinking violet out there. She charged hard, but it was a short in-and-out ride. Okay, okay. This was even better. If only her heart would stop thudding its way out of her chest. She placed a hand over it as she looked on.

“Think Britton’s gonna pull it out?” Alia Foz called to Gia from a few seats down. “She’s been looking good out there this week. I’m thinking it’s hers to lose.”

“If she can stay the course, she’ll be fine. She’s a fighter.”

“Would be a shame to see her lose the title after holding it for so much of the year.”

“I don’t think that’s gonna happen.”

Elle set out on her second effort, starting with a promising opening turn. “C’mon, c’mon,” Gia murmured. She had command of the wave, with perfect form and flow. She attacked the pocket hard, bringing Gia to her feet, then out of nowhere went down.

“Fuck,” Gia said, under her breath. “What the hell happened there?”

Elle emerged with a smile on her face and shake of her head at the lost opportunity. But the clock was ticking.

Lindy delivered on her next three outings, turning in three solid rides, hanging on to the corner each time in an impressive showing. She wasn’t the most creative surfer, but she was solid. Elle didn’t fare as well. A couple of shorter efforts, ending early, followed by a simple series of turns on a smaller swell. The waves were not on her side today, but it wasn’t over. Timewise, she would have one last shot before the heat ended. Gia swallowed back the fear and said a silent prayer. If she could nail this one, she’d have a chance. If not, the title would most assuredly go to Ives.

“Come on Elle. Wait for your wave!” she called. “You got this.”

Elle paddled out, leapt to her board, and went for it. The wave was monstrous, and if she could capitalize, it would score huge. She swung big into the wall and down again, pulling a big cheer from the crowd. Then the nose of her board dug in on one of the ripples, and she fell fast over the top of the board into the surf below. Gia blew out a defeated breath as a hush fell over the crowd. Awful. Had she just put her head down, she could have balanced herself and ridden out of it. No, no, no. This couldn’t be happening.

With the final seconds of the heat ticking away, there was nothing to do.

Lindy Ives came away with a combined two-wave score of 15.2. Elle scored a 14.5, bringing the season to a disappointing close.

“I think the world champ’s run just ended here at the Maui Pro,” she heard the announcer say over the loudspeaker. “A round of applause for your new champion, Lindy Ives.” The crowd went wild, enjoying every second of the nail-biter they’d just experienced. People would be talking about this upset for a while, watching replays and analyzing every moment online.

Gia had only one thing on her mind. Elle.

She waited for her alongside the roped-off competitors’ walkway. She expected sadness, defeat, and someone who would need to be picked up off the ground. She got none of those things.

“There you are,” Elle said to Gia as she approached, a small smile on her face.

“It was close out there, Elle. You should be proud of yourself.”

Elle nodded with a confidence that caught Gia off guard. “I am. For a variety of reasons.” She touched Gia’s cheek briefly. “I’ve got a little bit of press to attend to, but maybe we can grab dinner? I could use a mai tai or two.”

“You sure you’d be up for that?”

“More than up for it.” She squeezed Gia’s hand. “I’m good. Better than good, actually. Just one tournament of many, right?”

Gia understood exactly what Elle meant, because in the scheme of life? She was on top of the world herself. Together, they could handle anything. Each setback, each defeat, each injury. Anything that came their way. They shared a smile in recognition of the new frontier.

“Elle, how about a quick wrap-up interview for the doc?” Jordan called from across the ropes.

She held on to Gia’s hand. “Can we do it together?” she asked, and tilted her head toward Gia.

“Even better,” Jordan said with a grin. Once Jordan had them situated in a two-shot with the beach behind them, she fired off her first question. “Elle, I’m sure the loss of the title today was a hard one. Can you talk about how you’re feeling?”

Elle nodded and gathered her thoughts. “I’m disappointed to not end the season as world champion. It’s not what I expected, and certainly not what I planned on. But I know I gave it everything I had, and I’ll come back next season ready to do it all over again.”

“It’s been a long journey,” Jordan said. “Lot of ups and downs for you, Elle. Looking back, was it all worth it?”

This time Elle didn’t hesitate. “One hundred percent. I met the most wonderful woman, and fell head over heels in love. Did I mention that? I mean, did you guys know?” She laughed, looked over at Gia and then straight into the lens. She paused. Sincerity took over. “It’s been the most satisfying year of my life, and I wouldn’t change a second.”

Standing next to Elle, who, after a devastating loss, was more focused on what they had together, had Gia feeling like the luckiest woman on the planet. She couldn’t wipe the grin off her face if you offered her a million dollars.

“What about you, Gia? You’re ending the season as number four instead of battling it out for one. Any final thoughts?”

“I’ve never been happier to be number four.”

Jordan laughed. “I suppose it’s safe to say that you two are an item?”

“What is it they say?” Elle asked. “Love conquers all?”

Gia nodded. “That’s exactly what they say.” She looked at Jordan. “And it has.”