Thanks to the magic of electronic publishing, it has become practical to update the classic Robotech novelizations. Many of these changes are simple spelling and grammar corrections while others are minor continuity corrections which were made to more closely match the events of the television episodes. Such continuity updates were made where we felt it could be done without too much disruption to the original prose, and left alone in other instances where we felt the disruption would outweigh the benefit. For those of you curious about the specific changes made, we offer the following list of updates and errata:
Different spellings of Jonathan Wolff’s last name have been updated to “Wolfe,” which was the spelling Carl Macek settled on in later books.
The spelling of “Regis” has been updated to “Regess” (feminine of Regent).
Corrected Miriya’s last name from “Parino” to “Parina” to match the TV show.
Print page 2:
Changed “folded instantaneously through space-time” to “folded through space-time”
Print page 2:
Changed “labored for six years” to “labored for eight years”
Print page 3:
Changed “It’s been six years, Rick” to “It’s been eight years, Rick”
Print page 3:
Changed “both had turned twenty-nine this March” to “both had turned thirty-two recently”
Print page 5:
Changed “2020” to “2022”
Print page 10:
Changed “both nearing eight years old” to “both nearing ten years old”
Print page 12:
Changed “thirty-five-year-old” to “thirty-seven-year-old”
Print page 13:
Changed “two eight-year-olds” to “two ten-year-olds”
Print page 15:
Changed “eleven years would pass” to “seven years would pass”
Print page 27:
Changed “sixty-foot-tall” to “twenty-foot-tall”
Print page 45:
Changed “a shade under seven feet” to “a little under seven feet”
Print page 62:
Changed “mind of a seven-year-old” to “mind of a nine-year-old”
Print page 160:
Changed “gone for ten years” to “gone for nine years”
Print page 189:
Changed “ten years from the injunction” to “ten yards from the injunction”