To my editor, Eileen Rothschild: You’re a rock star! You’ve made this book better in every way, and your unflagging support has meant the world to me. I’d also like to thank Jennifer Enderlin, who has always had my back. Jen, your dedication to bringing the world wonderful books inspires me to write true and hard, to fight for my dreams. To Annelise Robey, my sunshine of an agent, I owe a huge debt of gratitude for believing in this journey I’m walking. I never feel alone, thanks to you.
I’d also like to thank The Sustainability Institute of Charleston, SC, for providing me with an idea for my story and for making it their goal to transform our local community for this generation and the next. To learn more about their work to reduce our environmental footprint and conserve energy, please visit Thanks, especially, to the lovely Katherine Westmoreland Richards for her dedication to this effort.
May women continue to strive to be heard in the world of letters. Thanks to all the female writers who have come before me and made my path possible.