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Copyright © 2015 by Polly Shulman.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Shulman, Polly.
The Poe Annex / Polly Shulman.
pages cm
Companion book to: The Grimm legacy.
Summary: Sukie braves the twists and turns of the spooky Poe Annex at the New-York Circulating Material Repository to untangle ancient family secrets, find hidden treasure, and help the ghosts who are haunting her house.
[1. Books and reading—Fiction. 2. Supernatural—Fiction. 3. Ghosts—Fiction. 4. Haunted houses—Fiction. 5. Families—Fiction. 6. Buried treasure—Fiction.] I. Title.
PZ7.S559474Po 2015
ISBN 978-0-698-17243-2
Jacket art © 2015 by Zdenko Basic
Cover design by Vanessa Han