Genesis 3:8–24
God walked in the cool garden breeze. But Adam and Eve were hiding among the trees. “Where are you?” called God.
“I heard you and was afraid,” the man answered. “So I hid from you.”
“Did you eat from the tree I warned you about?” asked God.
“The woman gave me the fruit. I ate it,” the man said. So God spoke to the woman. “What have you done?”
“The serpent tricked me,” she said, “and I ate.” God turned to the serpent. “You have done this, so you will always crawl on your belly. You will hate the woman. She will also hate you. You and her child will fight. He will crush your head. You will bite him on the heel.”
Then God told the woman, “You will have children. But you will be in pain when you do.”
“Adam,” God said, “you listened to her and ate from the tree. So you must work for all you get from the earth. You will sweat and suffer all your life. I made you out of dust. So you will turn back into dust.”
Then God sent them out of the garden.
Questions: Who tricked Eve? How did God punish the serpent?