Day 108

David—King on the Run

1 Samuel 17:57–22:5

David came to Saul’s tent, holding Goliath’s head. Saul wouldn’t let David return to his father’s house. Instead, David became a leader in Saul’s army. His best friend was Saul’s son, Jonathan.

David was a winner in whatever he did. Everyone, even Saul’s servants, were happy with him. One day Saul’s army was returning from war. Women met them, dancing and singing:

Saul has killed his thousands,

and David has killed his ten thousands.

This made Saul very angry and jealous. He wanted David dead. In time, David had to jump from his window to escape from Saul.

As they ran from Saul, David and his men were hungry. At the tabernacle, they were given the bread from the holy place. Goliath’s sword was there. So David took it for his own and hurried on. They finally hid in the caves of Adullam in Judah. Four hundred poor and troubled men joined David there. He was their captain.

David stayed in hiding until Saul died.

Questions: Why was Saul angry and jealous of David? What kind of men joined David?