Day 122

Solomon Prays for Wisdom

1 Kings 3:3–15

David ruled Israel for thirty-three years. Then he died and was buried in Jerusalem. Solomon sat as king on David’s throne and his kingdom was strong. Israel was at peace.

Before the temple was built, an altar stood at Gibeon, north of Jerusalem. Solomon prayed there and offered a thousand sacrifices. One night the Lord came to Solomon in a dream. “What would you like me to give you?” God asked.

Solomon said, “I am only a young man, Lord. I don’t know how to rule this great people. Give me wisdom and knowledge to know right and wrong.”

The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked this. “You didn’t ask for a long life,” God said. “Nor did you ask for riches, victory, or power. Instead you’ve asked for wisdom to judge my people. So I give you greater wisdom than any other king. No other ruler will ever have more wisdom than you. And because you’ve asked only for this, I’ll give you more. You’ll have riches and honor. No other ruler will compare to you. Obey my words like your father David obeyed. Then you’ll have a long life and rule for many years.”

Questions: What did Solomon ask for from God? What more did God give Solomon?