1 Kings 19:15–21
God spoke to Elijah in the silence. “Find Elisha, Shaphat’s son. Anoint him to be the prophet in your place. On the way, anoint Hazael in Damascus as king of Syria. Then anoint Jehu, Nimshi’s son, as king over Israel. Whoever escapes from Hazael’s sword, Jehu will kill. Whoever escapes Jehu’s sword, Elisha will kill. Despite these deaths, seven thousand will be left who haven’t worshiped Baal. These people haven’t bowed down to kiss Baal’s images.”
So Elijah set out from Mount Horeb. He found Elisha working in the fields at Abel-meholah. Twelve yoke of oxen pulled his plow. Elijah passed by and threw his cape over Elisha’s shoulders. Elisha knew he had been made a prophet like Elijah. “Let me kiss my mother and father goodbye. Then I’ll follow you!” he shouted.
“Go back then,” Elijah said. “If you must do that, I’ve done nothing for you.”
Then Elisha killed his oxen and built a fire of the yokes and plow. The people nearby ate the roasted meat of the twenty-four oxen. Elisha would never plow again. He followed Elijah down the path, wearing the great prophet’s cape. Elisha became Elijah’s servant.
Questions: How many oxen pulled Elisha’s plow? What did Elijah put on Elisha’s shoulders?