Day 14

Abraham’s Two Sons

Genesis 21:1–14

After Sodom was destroyed, Abraham moved his camp nearer to the sea. There, when Abraham was 100 years old, God kept his promise. Sarah gave birth to a baby boy. They were very happy and had a big feast. They named their son Isaac. His name means “laughing” because Sarah had laughed at God. And Sarah said, “God has brought laughter for me. Everyone who hears will laugh with me.”

There were now two boys in Abraham’s tent. One was Sarah’s new baby, Isaac. The other was Ishmael. He was the son of Sarah’s maid, Hagar. Ishmael did not like Isaac or treat him well. This made Sarah angry. She told Abraham, “Send away Hagar and her son. I don’t want Ishmael to have what belongs to Isaac.”

Abraham was very sad about this. Ishmael was his son, too. But God said, “Abraham, don’t worry about Hagar and her son. Do what Sarah says. It’s better that Isaac lives alone with you. Everything that is yours will belong to him someday. I’ll take care of Ishmael. He’ll be the father of a great family just like Isaac.”

The next morning Abraham sent Hagar and Ishmael away.

Questions: Who was Ishmael’s mother? Why did Abraham send Hagar and Ishmael away?