2 Kings 8:7–15
Long before this, God spoke to Elijah out of the silence. That day, he told Elijah to anoint two kings: Hazael, king of Syria, and Jehu, king of Israel. This job fell to Elijah’s servant, Elisha.
The day Elisha came to Syria, King Ben-hadad was sick. He sent Hazael to the prophet. “Ask Elisha if I’ll get well.” Hazael took gifts and went to the prophet.
Elisha said to Hazael, “He will get well. But the Lord has also said he will die.” Elisha looked at Hazael and began to weep.
“Why do you cry, my lord?”
“Because I know the evil you will do in Israel. You will kill men, women, and children.”
“I’m no better than a dog. How could I do these things?”
Elisha answered, “The Lord has said you’ll be Syria’s king.”
Hazael returned to King Ben-hadad. “The man of God said that you’ll get well.” The next day Hazael came in while the king was asleep. He took the bedspread and dipped it in water. Then Hazael pressed it on Ben-hadad’s face and smothered him. Hazael became king over Syria.
Questions: Why did Elisha cry? How did King Benhadad die?