Day 149

A Captain Becomes King

2 Kings 9:1–15

Take this oil,” Elisha said to a young prophet. “Go to Ramoth-gilead. Find Jehu. Then say, ‘The Lord says this: I’ve anointed you king over Israel.’ When you’re done, come back right away.”

The young prophet took the flask of oil to Ramoth-gilead. He found the captains sitting together in Israel’s camp. “I have a message for you, Commander,” he said.

“For which one of us?” Jehu asked.

“The message is for you, sir.”

The prophet poured the oil on Jehu’s head. “The Lord says this: ‘I’ve anointed you as king over my people Israel.’ You’ll destroy Ahab’s family because they killed God’s prophets.” Then the prophet left.

“Why did that madman come to you?” the others asked Jehu.

“No reason. You know how they babble.”

“Tell us the truth.”

“I’ve just been anointed king over Israel.”

The captains threw their robes in front of Jehu’s feet. A trumpet blared, and they all shouted, “Jehu is king!”

Questions: What did the young prophet say that Elisha hadn’t told him? What did the other captains do when they heard that Jehu was king?