Day 155

A Little Plant and a Great City

Jonah 3:1–4:11

Jonah, get up and go to Nineveh,” God said. “Speak the message I give you.” This time, Jonah went. He walked all day into the city. There he cried out, “In forty days, Nineveh will be torn down.”

The people of Nineveh believed God and turned from their sins. Nineveh’s king declared, “No one may eat or drink. All must pray to God. Who knows? God may change his mind so we don’t die.” When God saw this, he did change his mind. He didn’t slaughter Nineveh.

Jonah was angry. “This is why I ran away in the first place,” he prayed. “I knew you were a God of love. You’re always ready to change your mind about punishing people. Take my life; it’s better that I die.”

East of the city, Jonah built a hut. There he sat watching. What would happen to Nineveh? God made a plant grow there to give cool shade. This made Jonah happy. Then the plant died, and Jonah suffered in the heat. He was sorry the plant died.

“You were sorry a little plant died,” God said. “What about this great city? Shouldn’t I have pity on its little children?”

Questions: What did Nineveh’s king say when he heard Jonah’s message? Why did Jonah get angry?