Day 163

God Calls Isaiah

Isaiah 6:1–9

A haz was the son of a good king, Jotham, who believed in God. But he worshiped Baal and burned his sons as sacrifices. Ahaz made sacrifices—on hills, in valleys, and under every green tree.

When Edom attacked Judah, Ahaz asked Assyria for help. But instead of helping, they took over Judah. Ahaz was robbed of everything because of his sins. Judah was oppressed under Assyria.

God’s prophet Isaiah lived in the days of these kings. Isaiah was worshiping in the temple when he saw God on his throne surrounded by angels. The temple shook with voices: “Holy, holy is the Lord of hosts.”

Isaiah trembled, saying, “I’m a man with unclean lips, yet I’ve seen the Lord God.” Then an angel brought a coal from the altar. The burning coal touched Isaiah’s lips.

“Your sin is taken away. You are made clean.”

The Lord said, “Who will be my messenger to the people?”

“Here I am, Lord,” Isaiah said. “Send me.”

The Lord replied, “Go and speak to my people.”

Questions: Why did the Lord let Assyria take over Judah? What did Isaiah say when the Lord asked for a messenger?