Day 177

The Valley of Dry Bones

Ezekiel 37:1–28

The Lord sent prophets to the Israelites even in Babylon. Ezekiel prophesied about Israel’s future:

“The Lord’s spirit brought me to a valley. It was full of bones. There were many, many bones all around, and they were very dry. The Lord asked me, ‘Man, can these bones live?’

“ ‘You know, Lord,’ I answered.

“ ‘Then speak to them. Tell them the Lord says this: I’ll make breath come into you and you’ll live. I’ll make muscles and skin to come onto you. I’ll give you breath. Then you’ll know that I’m the Lord.’

“So I spoke these things to the dry bones. Suddenly, there was a noise. I heard rattling, and the bones came together. Muscles and skin covered them. I spoke to the four winds and breath entered the bodies. They were alive, standing on their feet.

“ ‘This is the nation of Israel. Tell them that I’ll bring you up from captivity. I’ll bring you back to the land of Israel. I’ll put my spirit in you and you’ll live. Then you’ll know that your God has spoken and will act.’ ”

Questions: Who brought Ezekiel to the valley? When the bones came alive, what did this mean about the nation of Israel?