Day 180

Daniel’s Good Judgment

Daniel 2:1–24

King Nebuchadnezzar dreamed a troubling dream. So he called his magicians and psychics. “I must know the meaning of my dream.”

“Tell us the dream, O king. We’ll show you its meaning.”

“No. You must tell me both the dream and its meaning. If you don’t, I’ll have you killed; if you do, you’ll be wealthy.”

Fearful, the magicians and psychics said, “No one on earth can do what you ask. Only our gods could tell you your own dream.”

The king flew into a violent rage. “Destroy all the wise men in Babylon,” he commanded. This order included Daniel and his friends.

Daniel used good judgment talking with the king’s executioner. He was able to gain time from the king. The four friends prayed to God about the dream. They asked that they and the Babylonian wise men wouldn’t die. That night the Lord gave Daniel the secret of the dream.

“Don’t kill the wise men,” he told the executioner. “I’ll show the king his dream and its meaning.”

Questions: What did the king expect his magicians to do for him? Who gave Daniel the secret of the king’s dream?