Daniel 2:17–49
No psychic can tell the mystery of your dream.” Daniel spoke to King Nebuchadnezzar. “But there’s a God in heaven who opens mysteries. You saw a huge, shining statue. Its head was made of gold. Its chest and arms were silver. Its middle and thighs were bronze. Its legs, iron. Its feet, part iron, part clay.
“As you watched, a stone was cut out, not by human hands. This stone hit the statue’s feet of iron and clay. They broke into pieces. Then the entire statue broke into tiny pieces and blew away. The stone became a great mountain, filling the earth.
“Here is the dream’s meaning: Your kingdom is the gold head. Later, another kingdom will come—the statue’s silver shoulders and arms. Then a third kingdom of bronze will come. After that, a kingdom strong as iron will rise. Finally a divided kingdom that is partly strong will rule. In those days God will set up his eternal kingdom. It will end all the earth’s kingdoms and grow to fill the whole earth.”
Nebuchadnezzar cried in awe, “Your God is the God of gods!”
Questions: What is the meaning of the stone that crushed the statue? What did Nebuchadnezzar say when he heard the meaning of the dream?